07. a very merry event

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07 | "We can't get along for once?"

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07 | "We can't get along for once?"

07 | "We can't get along for once?"

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The two tests sit in front of me. Both of them wear a proud smile, one that the teacher curved a little higher for the sake of her sanity. One hundred. Both of them were hundreds. My hands slam on the desk, comparing the two to see if there's a flaw to be found on his test. Heeseung is as baffled as I am, searching the paper with a soft grip on his in case I wanted to rip it to shreds. How could we have gotten the same score?

"There's nothing," Heeseung sighs in disappointment. "We got the same score. There's no way to find the flaws if there are none."

"I swear there's one. It just depends on who got it wrong," I bite my lip in anger, my eyes switching almost immediately at a question I was confused at. It's funny, however, because, on a question that I hesitated on and erased my answers, he did the same. I guess we think alike sometimes. Before I could turn the page, Heeseung grabbed my wrist, stopping my focus on the tests. "Heeseung."

"Hayoon," He warns, taking back his paper before I continue to stress over it. "I know you want to get back at me for it all, but enough already. We have the same answers. We solve it the same way."

"But the way you solve the problems is quite similar to mine," For a solution that can piss him off, I click my tongue. "I'm starting to think you've cheated off of me, Vice President Lee."

And I was right. It does. "Now, Hayoon, you can accuse me of anything else, but don't try to BS me," He scoffs, hands on his hips. His words are genuine, swift when they leave his lips, but I can't let him catch a break.  "I didn't cheat. I don't know why that's the only thing you think of when we get the same score."

"I don't know how this happens Heeseung other than that you cheated off of me somehow. Did you see my notes? Did I not block you out of my sight enough?" I question while Heeseung just laughs hopelessly at my words. "Look here–" I point to the question that we both erased. "–We got the same answer the first time and then we erased it. What more is there to say?"

"I didn't cheat!" He grits his teeth, looking up at the ceiling for an inch of sovereignty over me. It won't work. I know his tricks and I've seen them before. The past can only repeat itself. "What's going on in your head that you think I'm cheating-"

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