The Call

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"Come on, Bruce!" Tony's lips slammed into Bruce's as they entered their hotel room. Once he heard the door latch, Tony smirked into the kiss.

Bruce took a step back. "What?" He asked, looking into Tony's eyes.

"I haven't had you to myself in forever," Tony answered, dragging the last word.

"It's been two weeks," Bruce corrected him.

"Yes, well-" Tony began, stepping closer and unbuttoning Bruce's shirt, "two weeks is equal to like seven billionaire years."

"Sure it is, Tony." Bruce slid his shirt off and unzipped his pants, letting both fall to the floor.

"It's true," Tony insisted, letting his own clothes drop. "Billionaire time is very diff- eugh!" His sentence was cut short as Bruce's lips collided with his own. Tony stepped out of his jeans and pushed into Bruce's kiss. The two men soon found their way to the bed. Tony pushed Bruce back and crawled over him. He looked down into Bruce's eyes and smiled before leaning into his lips. Their lips had barely grazed when the sound of AC/DC's Thunderstruck filled the room.

"Shit." Tony fell off of Bruce and onto to the floor before grabbing his phone from the ass pocket of his jeans and checking the Caller ID. "It's Fury," he said, surprised.

Bruce sat up in the bed. "Nick?" he questioned. Tony nodded. "Put it on speaker."

Tony pressed the call button and turned on the speaker phone.

"Stark- You doing anything at the moment?" Nick's voice was calm, but still he sounded worried. Bruce stood up and grabbed his clothes, sliding them on before standing next to Tony.

"I was doing something," Tony said flatly.

"Am I to assume that Bruce is with you?

"He's what I was doing."

"Tony!" Bruce's face grew red with embarrassment and he slapped Tony in the shoulder.

"Am I on speaker phone?" Nick questioned.

"Uhh. . . No," Tony answered.

Nick sighed. "Whatever. Look, guys. I know you two are on vacation, but trust me when I say I wouldn't have called you if I didn't need to."

"What happened?" Bruce asked.

"I don't have time to go into details. Just get your asses back to New York. I'll explain it all when you're here."

Nick hung up. Tony stood in place for a few seconds, starring at Bruce, before blinking back to life and heading for the door. "Let's go to New York," he said.

"Uh. . . Tony?"

Tony turned around. "Yes, Bruce?"

"Put your clothes on first."

"Right." He slipped into his jeans and pulled his shirt on before turning back to Bruce. "Better?" he asked.

Bruce pulled Tony's body into his own and gave him a kiss. "Better," he echoed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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