City lights

733 21 46

I woke up thanks to my annoying ahh alarm. I got up and do my normal morning routine,"great, today's school" i thought to myself as i forced my body to drag itself to the bathroom. After i finished showering,i put on my clothes,went downstairs, greeted my parents,has breakfast and go to school

I walked out of my house to see clown already waiting for me,as usual. We walked to school and talked a little until we got to school

When we got to school, clown had something to do real quick and said that he will be back in a minute so i wondered around the school for a bit until the bell rang

I got in my class and sat down,sadly, clown and i have different schedules today,so i won't be seeing clown until lunch break

But luckily though, Valerie and i also have different schedules,the bad news is that she won't stop trying to get my attention in lunch break

Class went by as usual, boring. And then,it was finally lunch. I went to the cafeteria as fast as I can before it's crowded by other ppl

I got my food and went to sit down,i sat down and ate my food. Clown sat beside me,as usual, and we started talking a little as we ate

I haven't seen Valerie today.. weird.. i shook it off when the bell rang. "Welp,that's the bell. Bye Branzy! Meet you after school!" Said clown but in a slightly happy tone as he walked off

I walked to my next class,which is science, I'm don't like science that much but,i have to learn it. And ofc,the rest of the classes were boring as hell

And finally,it was after school. I waited for clown at the gate until he showed up and we walked back to our homes

I went home to find a note at the fridge,it says "hello Branzy, me and your mom are working rn,we will be home tmr -dad" "great,so I'm alone in the house," i said before going upstairs, grabbed my towel and showered, after i showered, i put on my clothes and went on my PC to check if clowns online on discord

Luckily he was,so i spammed him.

And stop spamming,
It's blowing up my notifications
Jeez sorry
Anyways,wanna play
Uhhhh,sure ig?
Ok, join my server

We played Minecraft for a while,clown and i decided to log of for the day as it was already 8 p.m. i lay down on my bed and started scrolling through my phone out of boredom

I scrolled for hours on end on tt,but my hunger stopped me from scrolling any further. I went downstairs bringing my phone along with me,i put my phone on the table before going to the kitchen to cook something

I searched through the cabinets of the kitchen to find something to eat. I found ramen and thought that it's enough to fill the hunger

I boiled some hot water before pouring it into a pot (was that the right word,sorry, English is not my first language 😭) i lit up the stove and put the pot on the stove before putting the ramen in the pot. I put the seasonings and stir it for a little,i stir for 2-3 minutes,and then i turned off the stove (free tut on how to cook ramen 😼)

I put my ramen into a bowl and carefully bringing it to the table. I watched some videos as i ate. After i ate,i went back to the kitchen bringing my bowl with me ofc,and washed it. After i washed it,i got some water and drunk it. I got my phone and went upstairs

I scrolled through tt for hours,as usual until clown messaged me

Hey Branzy

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