Hello Kitty phone and annoying not best friends

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"Your soulmates handwriting is super messy," Mahito exclaimed. "Yeah, they're constantly writing on their skin too", Getou agreed. As if sticky notes or even smart phones don't exist. "I have tried to read it but it just wasn't possible. Almost as if they just learned how to write", he laughed and looked at Mahito. Getou really did not mind it. He just didn't care. He did write it down sometimes and tried to identify what it means but to no avail. It was just not possible to read what they were trying to say. Were they a doctor maybe? Which adult would write on their skin too? Completely lost in his thoughts Getou realised far too late that Mahito was writing on his arm asking for his soulmates name. "Why would you do that?", Getou asked with a raised voice.

It was already bad enough that his arms were full of his soulmate's writing and now also Mahito's (who's handwriting looked like Russian italics as well. Both equally as bad). "Will you tell me when they answer?", Mahito asked with sparkling eyes. Getou thought about it for a second and then shook his head. "No, see it as punishment for writing on my skin without my consent", he snorted. He also simply would not share this with him. Why would he? Mahito is somehow in everyones business and always know everything about everyone. Mahito was somehow always up in everybody's business and always knew everything about everyone. As if he was Gretchen Wieners.
Or rather is in everyones business. Somehow Getou pitied him since Mahito was not really liked by anyone.

And now he simply could not get rid of him. No matter now much he tried it just did not work. He made a note to himself to think about it more. Maybe he should give him some sort of kalteen bars and make his boyfriend hate him? Would not work since Mahito has no boyfriend and shreds in the gym like crazy. That's why his boobs were huge.


"I have to go. My lecture starts soon", Getou informed his companion. They weren't friends. At least not to Getou. He also would like to wash the ink off of his arm. No way possible would he walk around like this. It was truly an embarrassment, he wasn't a middle schooler with terrible short term memory. Once he knew who his soulmate was, he would most definitely tell them to get sticky notes.


"Gojo Satoru", he read loudly. Probably for the hundredth time. He had googled his name too but had only found a Facebook account with neither friends nor a profile picture. Luckily they were from Japan, which Suguru only knew after stalking his Facebook. To say he was relived was an understatement. Gojo how ever also requested to know Suguru's name to which he was conflicted. Even though they were soulmates Suguru still felt like he could not trust him. They were still strangers after all. They also knew nothing about each other except for the fact that they were soulmates.
Still conflicted whether or not he should do it, Suguru told himself that they would see and meet each other one day anyways and then scribbled his name on his forearm.

Getou Suguru.

He tried to write it on as cleanly as possible, and it turned out rather fine.
Luckily he had no tattoos so he had enough space to write whatever he wanted as an answer to Gojo. He kinda regretted it now. Why did he tell him?

He almost immediately received an answer. Oh well. Still not knowing why, Suguru was writing on his skin answering his soulmate. Maybe they should've exchanged their E-Mail addresses instead. Mahito would definitely get suspicious. And he was sick of writing on his skin. Suguru thought about it and wrote down his E-Mail right before he went to sleep. He would wash his skin the next day. Suguru did not want to look like he was talking to himself on his skin. He wasn't a teenager anymore. And this gave them the possibility to communicate with each other other then hurting their skin or writing on it.

It seemed like Gojo got into fights quite often.The amount of times Suguru had found bruises and other kinds of marks on himself was ridiculous. Gojo seemd to be very careless. Sometimes he also felt the pain slightly. He sure hoped that his soulmate
wasn't bullied or even a bully himself. If that were the case, Suguru would consider signing them up for soulmate-adoption. Maybe Mahito really did not have one and wanted one? He could give Gojo to him then. The two of them would probably get along well too. The more Suguru thought about it the more he came to the conclusion that this would be his worst nightmare. Mahito himself was already a pain in the ass but someone like him would sent Satoru straight to the psych ward.

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