Chapter 53

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Lydia POV

Family. It's a funny word since society tells us that family members are blood relatives. But that's untrue; I have a large family in my house, and I'm setting up things for our Family time in this living room who isn't blood related. 

"Mis—I mean Lydia, sorry still getting used to it." Aaron stated.

 "It's OK, Aaron; what was your question?"

 "Oh, I was wondering where you store your spare blankets."

 "Upstairs second door inside the closet," Sira said before I could finish my sentence. I turned to face Sira as Aaron walked away with a sneer on his face.

"You sound like a creepy stalker, Miss Greenaway" I said as she approached me. 

"I'm not a stalker; I'm a thief." 

"Oh a thief, and what did this cute thief steal?" I said wrapping my arms around her neck.

 "Obviously your heart," she murmured, her lips barely touching. 

She sure knows how to make my stomach flutter. I looked up and saw those beautiful brown eyes looking at me with love in them. "Move in with me," I said as I kissed her, sucking her bottom lip to split her lips and suck on her tongue.

I stepped back to regain my breath. "Am I not already living here, Miss Grey?" she questioned.

 "Yes, you live here, but you always go back to your house to get your clothes or anything else you forgot. So it's just easier to move everything here and stay with me. Getting my point"I said.

 "Yeah, yeah, of course, I see your point," she mocked me, I smacked her shoulder and went away. 

"You better make place in your room for my belongings," she said. 

"Isn't there enough place in my heart for you?" I retorted.

 "Ooohh, chessey Miss Grey, and romantice as well, wow, you've gained additional points from me."

"Sira, please stop talking. I'm plenty for you, and you should start moving in tomorrow."

 "Aye aye Mam," she exclaimed as she walked back into the living room, and I simply chuckled and followed her.

 "Listen up, Aiden, Aaron, Jacob, Jack, Steve, and Techy." she called out.

"Are you ever going to address us by our given names?" Jack mused. 

"I'm sorry, what was your name again, could you please remind me?" she smirked. "And, to be honest, I don't know what techy guy's true name is, so it's not my responsibility." she said shrugging her shoulder's.

"Sira, my name is Noah. Brown" he said blantly.

 "Noah, Damn, that's a hot name for a man like you, no offense tho."

 " Offense taken" Noah remarked.

"Okay, so where was I? Oh, yeah, all of you tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. at my place." Aiden lifted his brow in her direction. 

"Relax hotstuff, Lydia requested that I move in with her as soon as possible, so yeah." 

"Sira I would prefer that you call Aiden, Aiden rather than hotstuff." Lila replied as she stood next to me. 

"As you request, Lila, I will attempt not to refer to hotstuff as hotstuff. And I assure you, hotstuff, that I will make every effort not to call you hotstuff again. Now, hotstuff this is the last time me calling you hotstuff." Sira remarked this with a mocking look on her face. 

"Siraaaa" Lila stomped her feet as she dragged her name, while Tanya and Jacob laughed with me.

This mocking, irrating, and everything was great, and I missed it a lot. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice Aiden standing next to Lila. 

"Relax, babe, she's just playing with you," Aiden remarked with a smile, knowing Lila gets jealous over little things. 

Sira, what am I going to do with you? 

"Anyway, I'd want to invite you men's to come help me move stuff to her place."

 "You mean you want us to do the work while you relax?" Steve said. 

"Correcto, smarty pants, but relax isn't a good term," she tapped her skull, pretending to consider. "Ummm, yeah, I'll keep an eye on you guys."

 "Why do you think we all will agree to help you?" Jacob questioned.

"Because you're all my big brother's, and I'm your sole smaller sister." 

"Not mine, I have another one," Aiden explained as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder, drawing me closer to him. 

Protectivness. I craved for years.

 An emotion I'd never had until meeting all of them. But now that I know about Aiden and my background. Knowing I have an elder brother made me feel a little better.

 "So it doesn't matter if one of my sisters is mad and the other isn't," he replied slyly.

 "Don't forget that this sister is the future wife of your that sister standing next you." she said glaring at him.

 "So, I don't care," he shrugged as he walked into the kitchen.

"I don't care, the rest of you better show up." she said turning her back to the rest of the guys while Lila and I returned to the kitchen, where Aiden was.

 "Babe, are you not going to go help her?" Lila asked. His head shook. "Whyyy," she mused. "Babe, you understand I'll be doing all the labor work and not her; I'll be the one sweating," he remarked, glancing at her. 

"Babe, just go naa, you'll look hotter when you're sweating and all" she said seductivelty.

 "Okay, that's my cue to leave" feeling like a third person.

"Ohh come on, I used to be there when you and Sira did stuff," Lila commented.

"OK, sorry, now I know I won't do those things, and Aiden, please help her," I begged with puppy eyes. 

"No, no, don't do that, You can't do that to me," I did again, hoping for pity.

 "All right, I'll do it," he replied as he approached me. "Anything for you, my little sister," he said, smiling and shaking my head. 

"And what about me?" Lila inquired from behind. "For you too, darling," he continued, dragging both of us into the living room, where we could hear Sira pleading with the boys to assist her as Diana, Sarah, and Tanya stood there watching the comic act happening in the living room.

"Guys, be there tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. at Sira's house." 

"What Aiden, it's 7 not 8" Sira said.

"Sira, be glad we're coming or we won't," he added as he approached her. 

"Who persuaded you?" she replied. 

"My younger sister and my lover," he replied, beaming. That made me happy and left Lila blushing at the word lover.

Oh my stupid little, uh, older long-lost brother.

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