Chapter 60

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Lydia Pov

It's been 10 minutes and she hasn't said anything. She had been sitting on the sofa for the previous ten minutes, looking at the wall. "Sira, I—" "I'm sorry, Lydia," she murmured, not looking at or at me. "What are you sorry about, Sira?" I was perplexed since I was the one who had hurt her, not the other way around. 

"I came home drunk last night, which I shouldn't have done, no regardless of how angry I am," she said, making direct eye contact with me. No matter how angry she is, the way she looks at me makes my knees buckle and my heart melt. I began taking little moves toward her to see if she wanted me to be near her.

I crouched down in front of her, reaching for her hands and slowly took them in mine. "Sira, I apologise for what I said. I am really sorry, and please trust me when I say that I did not mean anything. I would never say anything that would offend you, but I did, and I swear I will never do it again." As I spoke, her eyes welled up and she grasped my hands tightly. 

" I'm sorry Lydia, for saying those things to you about your parents as well; I shouldn't have done that and—and I don't blame you for what happened to my parents. I promise it was simply because I was upset at you and wanted to hurt you in the same way you did, but Lydia, I swear, you are not to be blame. You are the finest thing that has ever happened to me. That transformed me and made me a better person. My parents would be proud of you and grateful for your presence in my life. I am sorry for the events of last night, and I promise to come to you whenever I am angry or upset." 

"Sira, you should not be sorry, but I should be because you simply wanted to hurt someone who hurted me, which is understandable since you love me, I mean- I thought last night and imagined I would have responded the same way if someone had hurt you." I wiped her tears away from her cheeks and drew her closer to me, our foreheads touching.

"Lydia, I love you too much. I hope you know of that." "Sira, I love you as well. I hope you know that as well." We whispered to each other. We both nodded our heads in response to each other's questions. 

I drew back from her and saw her in her almond brown eyes. Her eyes carried all of the passion, words, and feelings she had for me. Everything. I leaned in closer, our breaths mingling. We can feel each other's breath on our lips. I took a brief look into her eyes before smacking my lips on hers. Her hands made their way into my hair, and mine held her jaw, drawing her closer to me.

Because of our disputes last night, this kiss was not gentle and pleasant; it was filled with hunger and need for each other. I drew her down and placed her on my lap. My hands slip beneath her top and clasp her waist. I moaned at our skin-to-skin touch, but feeling her skiing under my hands made me pleased. I grinned as we kissed and drew back . 

I leaned into it, feeling her loosen my hair and trace my cheek with her finger. This was a great time for me. Finally, everything is in order. In a week, she will graduate. We will be open, and we will not have to hide our relationship with the rest of the world. She pecked my brow for full 15 seconds. I opened my eyes and looked at her. 

An angel. My angel. My life savior.

"Sira, have I ever told you how much I want to marry you one day?" She squinted her eyes and said. "No, I don't think you mentioned it, but I did." 

"Then I tell you, you will be my future wife and the mother of our future children." She grinned, a wide beautiful smile on her cheeks, making my stomach and heart feel many things at once. It's like a rollercoaster with butterflies on it. I drew her closer and gripped her closely, my favorite, finding a home in her neck and savoring her smell. I exhaled a sigh. I'll never get tired of inhaling this aroma. 

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