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Project Cuttlefish: Subject 003

Subject Number: 003
Subject Birth name: [REDACTED]
Subject Powers: Camouflage (room for possible development)
Subject Data: 003 is unlike its predecessors for its powers don't focus on what the mind can do but rather the body.003 is able to change the colors on there body and is able to camouflage into the environment. I believe that with conditioning that 003 with soon be able to copy the appearances of others or shape shift into a original identity. If I am correct then 003 could be the perfect spy for [REDACTED].003's carrier [REDACTED] has been terminated due being uncooperative in the separation stage.I have high hopes for 003. It seems more stable than [REDACTED] and will be a good addition to the arsenal.

Date : March 2 19##
Update: After [REDACTED] months of conditioning Subject 003 has shown signs of improvement.It can now blend into more complex environments.We are still working towards full shape shifting however 003 is still compliant and non aggressive.

Date : May 15 19##
Update: We have recently introduced 003 to some of the other subjects.003 seems to have formed attachments quickly to the other subjects, most notably the younger ones however 001 seems to find 003 intriguing.I theorize that 003's calmer more pliant demeanor maybe able to sway 001 into that behavior.Further test will be run

Date : June 23 19##
Subjects : 001 and 003

Date : August 1 19##
Subject: 003
Update: Subject 003 has been more skittish ever since [REDACTED]. It now camouflages its self when someone walks into the room and no longer cooperates with conditioning.Thermal cameras have been added to its room and a tracker and [REDACTED] has been placed on it.It still seems to have close attachments to the younger subjects even after [REDACTED].

Date : September 6 19##
Subject: 003
Powers: Shapeshifting and Camouflage
Update: Subject 003 has finally done a full body shape shift. We can now begin conditioning for missions. 003's behavior has changed drastically ever since [REDACTED]. It has become less pliant and more protective of the other subjects. I believe separation from the other subjects will bring back 003's past demeanor.

Date: December 9 19##
Subject: 003
Update: 003 has finally started to show signs of reverting back to their old demeanor after some conditioning and [REDACTED]. However some of the younger subjects are showing undesirable behaviors from being separated from 003. Mainly 004,007,008,011. Conditioning to correct this behavior is in progress.

Date: February 29 19##
Subject: 003
Update: 003 has successfully completed its first mock mission.More conditioning is still needed before it can be deployed however I believe 003 can be seen as a success.

File Recorder: Dr Brenner

🌻Have fun reading and btw Hawkins lab lore is a heavily au and probably not correct 🌻

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