chapter 7

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Wandas pov:
Hangovers were the worst. Everything hurt, I felt like I was going to be sick constantly. I was starving but the thought of me eating made me feel sick. So I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

A while later I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in." I croak.

The door opens and Natasha stood there smiling at the state of me. She had a tray of food in her hand.

"It's not funny" I said partially upset. "I'm never drinking a again."

"Sure I'll quote you on that." Natasha said placing the tray of food down on the bedside table.
She sat in the opposite side of the bed to me as I took the tray of food and tried to eat as much as I could.
"Your hair is a mess let me do it." She said getting up from the bed and and grabbing a brush and a hair tie. While i continued eating Natasha started braiding my hair. It was fun having her around and I missed her whenever she wasn't.

"Did I say anything stupid last night?" I said having no memory from the night before.

Natasha hesitated lost in thought for a second and said no.


"Yes. You sound surprised? Should I be worried?"

"No not at all."

Natasha finished off my hair and I put the tray to the side.

"Thank you it looks very pretty!"

"You're welcome" she said smiling gently
"I'm going to train. I'd you need me you know where I'll be"

She walked out the room and I was left alone again. This attachment towards her was getting out of hand and she didn't even feel the same way.

To distract myself from my thoughts I tried to get ready for the day and clean my room.

Natashas pov:
I reach the gym to meet Steve. He greets me and continues his work out. I go to wrap my knuckles and join him on the next punching bag.

"Wanda joining us today?" He says laughing. He obviously remembered how drunk she was last night and was now taking the mick.

"She doesn't seem too bad, she ate most of her breakfast."

"And how do you know she's not violently throwing up now?"

I roll my eyes and continue attacking the punching bag.
"I'll check on her after this"

"Want to go for a run?" Steve said.

"Sure might as well completely burn myself out" I said and we head outside ready to run. We ran around the compound and into the woods.
I get closer to the edge of the tree line and feel someone watching me, or that we weren't alone. I look around trying to find who else was there but I couldn't find anyone in sight.


"I think someone else is here." I whisper hoping that the other people wouldn't hear.

He looked around and whispered back "what makes you think that?"

"I can just feel it"

"Tony will have been notified if someone is nearby. Let's head back anyways though."

We run back to the compound and on my way to the entrance I spot a helicopter flying away in the corner of my eye. It was very far out at that point.

"Steve there was a helicopter, we need to find Tony immediately."

We found Tony and tell him what happened.
"There's no way, FRIDAY would have told me otherwise. Stop freaking yourself out."

"FRIDAY" I shout, "has anything or anyone entered the grounds in the past hour?"

"Yes, agent romanoff, there has been a helicopter and multiple government agents."

"FRIDAY. Why didn't you tell me?" Tony said shocked and panicked. By this point I had ran out the room and straight to mine and wandas floor to check if she was still there. I get to the room and knock. No answer. I bust down the door and search for her but there was just an empty room. No witch to be found. Even the bathroom was empty.
"Shit" I say to myself. "FRIDAY where is wanda?"

"The government took her, agent romanoff."

"And you didn't think to tell us?" I shouted running out the room again.
"Tony wandas gone the government have taken her." I say full of panic. Usually I can keep my emotions hidden well but for some reason it felt impossible in this situation.

"Okay, we need to find our where they have taken her before we can find her obviously. It won't be easy."

Tony had started to pull up his computer and screens around his desk and attempted to track the helicopter.

'Fuck, I should've been there for her. I should've stayed rather then to go train. I'm so selfish'

I pace backwards and forwards waiting for an answer from Tony trying to think where they could've possibly taken her.

"Got it! They're at a base in the Atlantic ocean. Its a reinforced special prison with extreme high security."

"So we're going to need the whole squad to get her back?" Steve asked him worried.

"Pretty much"

"Brilliant" I say. "I'll go get who we've got in the compound, Tony you call Rhodey. Steve you get the quintet ready."

"Yes ma'am" Tony said sarcastically and saluted at me. I just turned around and gave him my middle finger. I couldn't put up with his bullshit right now. I needed to find wanda.

I gathered thor, Bruce, Clint and Sam and told them to suit up and get onto the jet. They did as I said slightly scared at how serious I was being.

I ran to my room getting my suit and lots of weapons. I was going to do whatever it takes.

I met back up with Tony and the rest of the team in the jet.
"How long will it take?" I ask.

"You won't like the answer."

"Just tell me." I say sternly.

"37 hours"

"Fuck, okay." I sat down defeated. God knows what they'd do to her. She'd just escaped one prison and got put straight back into another.

"It'll be okay, we'll get there as soon as possible and beat the crap out of them" Clint said putting his hand on my knee.
I knew he was trying his best to calm me so I just accepted it but not saying anything.

Towards the end of the journey I took a turn flying the jet whilst the rest slept. I hadn't managed to get any sleep the entire flight, nor did I want to. For some reason I felt so protective over this girl who a few months ago I hated with a passion. What had happened to me?


When he were two minutes away from the prison the team were getting prepared. Sam was putting on his wings and prepared a gun in his pocket. Bruce was going to stay in the jet and prepare with medical equipment. Everyone was in their suits and were at the back of the jet.

A/N don't be afraid to suggest things or to give ideas I'm all open to that! :)

All is forgiven - wanda natWhere stories live. Discover now