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    "I've found the prince!" was the first thing I heard when I woke up. The natural light was filtering through the open steel door, slightly blocked by the guard standing there. "And Lady Lumina!" I rubbed my eyes blearily and stood up, stretching my neck, which was slightly cramped after spending an entire night on a steel floor. "Someone tell the King and Queen!"

The guard nodded at Travon. Now that I could see fully past the guard, I could see the devastation of the palace. Ominous and offensive words were written in mud on the walls. The carpets were stained and torn in places. Vases were smashed and flowers spilled everywhere, and the windows were smashed and broken.

"Not pretty is it?" said Travon from behind me. "Watch your step." He helped me out of the bunker. "I'll see you later." he kissed me on the cheek, and then hurried down the hall. I hoped I would see him soon.

The first thing I did when I saw my maids was tackle them in a hug. Over the couple of months that I'd been at the palace, they'd become some of my best, most reliable friends. The second thing that I did was pick up the guitar. I couldn't help myself, and everything that I used to know came flooding back to me.

Indigo and Truly Anne had resumed their card game once again. The Women's room was cleaned up and still comfortable, but one thing stood out - Carlotta was gone. In the few hours that had elapsed since the end of the attack, she'd panicked, and begged to go home. Travon had dismissed her on the spot.

"I still can't believe that Carlotta's gone," said Indigo, shaking her head. "She was a staple." Carlotta had been bright, cheerful, and friendly. But no one wanted her to be here if she didn't want to.

"I heard Travon is announcing the Elite tonight," commented Angel. "I hope he'll let me stay! I really like him."

"Me too," said Truly Anne. "I'm not ready to leave the food!" I laughed, nodding.

"I get it."

"And I want to see this place at Christmastime!" said Indigo. "If I thought the Halloween party was exquisite, I bet that Christmas would be amazing." I sighed, imagining it. There was no reason to exchange gifts as a Six because no one would be able to afford them. But I'd always liked the idea.

"I hope that Carlotta's okay." sighed Indigo. "She was so nice."

"I hope that I'll get to stay," said Truly Anne. "And not just for the food. I like Travon, and I want him to pick me."

Indigo nodded in agreement.
"Me too," said Angel. Then all eyes turned to me.

"Me too," I said firmly.

"Ladies," said Travon, clasping his hands behind his back. "I'm sure you all know why I'm here." There was a general nod of assent throughout the room. "The time has come for me to choose the Ten Elite."

I took a deep breath. After last night, I was hopeful that I would be chosen, but still, my nerves jangled in my stomach.

"Rather than say who is leaving, I will be telling you the names of those who will stay," said Travon, and there was more nodding. "Lady Angel, Lady Paisley, and Lady Harmony." All three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Truly Anne and I were gripping each other's hands like lifelines. "Lady Indigo," I glanced over at Indigo, who did a happy dance in her chair. If I didn't stay, I wanted her to win. "Lady Honey and Lady Harper Grey will remain." I sucked in a breath. There were three names that he had yet to call. "Lady Athena," I glanced over at Athena. She didn't do a happy dance like Indigo or look smug like Honey, but she sat up a little straighter in her chair. "Lady, Fall," Fall grinned at everyone else. Truly Anne was squeezing my hand harder, her grip a little painful. Now only one of us could stay if any. "And Lady Lumina." I let out a sigh of relief. Even though I missed my mother and father, I didn't want to go home. "To those of you who have not been asked to stay, your means of transportation will be arriving shortly. I advise you to begin packing your things."

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