The Fairies Try to Fix Their Mess

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Back at the cottage with the three good fairies, Catherine is still humming the jaunty little tune to her baking of the birthday cake. Catherine finishes putting on the candles and then lighting them and says...

Catherine Deneuve: Zere!

But the cake is completely unsteady as it cannot even stand up on its own.

Catherine Deneuve (continued): Oop.

Catherine tries to hold it up with a broom, but it turns out to still be one soggy mess. The frosting even begins to fall off of the cake.

Catherine Deneuve (continued): Well, what do you zink of it?

Mimi and Yolei are on the other side of the room, and Yolei is quite annoyed with being the sewing mannequin. She is even more annoyed when she sees the way the cake is set up. Mimi also turns her own head to look at the cake.

Mimi Tachikawa: Why, it's...

Mimi has hoped to begin by complimenting it, but the nicest thing she can think of to say about it is...

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): It's a very unusual cake, isn't it?

Catherine looks at her work and finally notices the candles starting to fall off the cake along with its frosting. She begins to get desperate while trying to put the candles back on the cake.

Catherine Deneuve: Of course, it'll be much stiffér once it's baked.

Mimi Tachikawa: Of course, dear.

Catherine comes over to look at the dress that her sister Mimi has made for Kari.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): What do you think of the dress?

The dress looks horrible, too, though.

Catherine Deneuve: Well, it's_ uh, i-i-it's not exactly the way it is in the book, is it?

Mimi Tachikawa: Oh, I improved it. But perhaps if I added a few more ruffles_ ehm, what do you think?

Catherine Deneuve: Ehm, I zink so. What do you zink, Yolei?

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: I think we've had enough of this nonsense.

Then as though she is not angry enough, the dress's hemline for shoulders flaps over her head.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue (continued): I think we oughtta think of our 'Chocolate Rose' and what she'll think of this_ this mess. I still think what I thought before. I'm gonna get those wands.

With that, Yolei marched right upstairs while leaving the mediocre cake and the horrid-looking dress to tear apart with Mimi and Catherine watching.

Catherine Deneuve: You know, I zink she's right.

Yolei suddenly comes running down the stairs with the wands in hand.

Miyako 'Yolei' Inoue: Here they are, good as new.

But Mimi only worries at the sight of the wands.

Mimi Tachikawa: Ah-ah-ah deh-deh-deh-deh, careful, Yolei.

The sixteen years may almost be all over, and they might need the wands now, but Mimi is still taking no chances. She takes a quick look around.

Mimi Tachikawa (continued): Quick, lock the doors. Catherine, you close the windows. Lock up every nook and cranny. We can't take any chances.

Yolei locks all the doors while Catherine closes all the windows and Mimi takes care of all the loose spaces. As soon as they are all finished with locking the room up, Mimi then hands each of them their wands with assignments. She hands Catherine her wand and assignment first.

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