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This is a wet in america but it's british language(some) because I am British and I can't really change it so it's a American high skl but British language even though their both Americans yk everyone is American so idk but deal w it babe.


I pass my locker and head straight to form to get my mark and talk with my mates.

I then stop and see a boy in the back off the class in the far corner who seemed to be the same age as me,but he looked like a queer.

So I guess he's gonna be the target for the rest of this year.

He had dark black hair with tints of grey in but not the old grey the cool grey,he also had pale skin but freckles scattered around his face.

He was wearing a shirt and some baggy jeans.

He looked emo.

Weirdo man.

I whispered to my mate and they all laughed at him and kept saying he looked like a f@g and they should burn him in the football feild.

Although this pretty face wouldn't last a day In prison.

One of my friends barked at him making him suddenly look up.

He locked eyes with mine and I felt this feeling in my stomach which made it hurt.

His green but black eyes stared into mine the moved onto someone else.

I noticed he had a jumper on when it was very very hot outside like atleast 97 Fahrenheit.

Very hot.

He must be sweating.

I see him pull down his sleeves more and wince as he brushed his wrist.

Did he sprain it jerking of some guy or something.

I laugh in my head then I hear the bell go.

I walk towards the emo kid and start barking at him.

Everyone laughed but he just pushed past me making his was into the maths block which was the same one we were in.

I looked back at my friends as bursted out laughing.

I roll my eyes and make my way to my next class,maths.

I shit at it.

I walk in my maths class and see the emo kid at the back again, same as last time, in the corner out the way with the maths book out and all the equations Einstein would need for his life.

I smile and sit next to him.

This random girl sits next to me.

She's the nerd girl so I guess I can copy from her.

I really want to make this emo cry so his life can be hell in this school.

The teacher finally starts the lesson and gives us some random worksheet to do and I just asked the nerd next to me for the answers.

Last question and I asked the nerd for help but she shrugged  and I swear she was sweating.

I turn my head to the emo and ask him.

"Hey emo kid,what's the last one?" He looks over and rolls his eyes before he turns his sheet lifting up his jacket.

I looked down at the sheet and see his wrist filled with scars that almsot made me sick.

There isn't a chance in hell this kid would make me feel bad for making fun of him.

I ignored it and wrote the answer in before giving the sheet to the front.

I want to get emo kid to speak so as I stood up I "tripped" and made him grip onto my shoulder so I didn't fall.

He still didn't even say a word,or make a noise!

The emo mute weirdo.

What a fun nickname.

The bell goes and I run out to science.


It was 53 minutes into the lesson and the emo kid walked in  and gave the teacher a note  before sitting down at the back again.

The teacher nodded and let him go off without a warning.

I saw part of the  note and I saw nurses room before it got out in the bin.

I want to hear the emo kid atleast make a noise.

After class has ended I stayed behind and talked to the teacher before everyone else left.

The emo was still here and was on his phone in the corner of the room.

This was my chance.

I told the teacher that this other teacher wanted to talk to her and she left and told me to hurry up and leave.

I took this as the chance and walked over to the emo kid.

"Are you gay?" I ask making him look up from who he was texting.

He nods and looks back down.

" why don't you speak." I ask.

He shrugs not even making a sound again.

He look back down at his phone and I thought of a idea.

I  could press down on his wrist,which I did and he just pushed me off quickly.

I grabbed his worst and squeezed until I saw his eyes getting glossier and glossier until I pulled the sleeve up travelling deep red scars.

I see a year roll down his face before trying to push me off.

I tackled him back on the ground.

"Kiss me." I say without thinking.

I grabbed the wrist were scars were not their and pulled him down on me.

He leant into the kiss and our lips connected.
I pulled him on top of me.

I realised what I was doing,in school,with a boy!

He accidentally grinder up against my member which sprung into action making the emo kid fidget around on it making me grip onto his waist harder.

We realised from the kiss and gasped for air.

Yet that still didn't make him release a sound!

"Why don't you talk." I ask.

He try's to sit up and walk off but I grab his waist and pressed it down.

His eyes widened and he put his hand on his mouth.

I didn't realise that my member was now highly erect and I just slammed him down.

So that's what he needed for a sound to come out..

I smirk and pin him down on the floor before smashing my lips onto his.

This was only to hear his voice but I think I'm starting to like this more than I should.

I push my tounge into his mouth and fought his for dominance which I obviously got.

I pulled away but he didn't make a noise either?!

He's a Psychopath!

"Are you like a psycho?" I ask a he got up away from my grasp.

He shrugged and ran out the room as the bell went.

I also followed along so the teacher didn't suspect me lying.

Maybe he was a psycho?

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