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"Wait what's your name?" I say rubbing the emo kids thigh,it's true I had no idea what this kids name is.

"It's Blake, how did you not Know that?" He said laughing abit.

"I don't know I guess I never really asked." I said back shrugging.


I walk out the class along with Blake. And I walk him to his music lessons.

Well it was a class but he normally talks with the teacher one on one.

I say bye then I go to my class right next to him,history.

I hate history.

Though it's very easy it's insanely boring.

That's why I sit at the back and do shit all.

It starts off with handing out the books,writing the stuff on the board then copying notes and finally teaching the lesson.

I didn't do any off that.

I just waited for that amazing bell to go off,which in no time,it rung.

I ran out the class and saw Blake talking with one off my friends,Tyler.

He's nice but we don't really talk.

I walk up to them and hear a part off their conversation.

"I'd like you to ride my dick like you rode owens,i think you'd do better to be honest." He said winking at him.

Blake saw me coming and backed up.

Tyler was weak,I mean that he's just a nerd and only joins the football team to not get bullied.

I mean that's no use now.

I tap his shoulder and smile,his face turns pale as he realised I'd heard everything.

I pull out a dictionary and smack the shit out off him with it.

Everyone was crowded around us cheering me on as I kept smacking the back off his head with it.

I finished beating him up and suddenly a unusual presence smashed their lips onto mine.

It was the popular girl.

I saw Blake's glossy eyes peer up at me kind of hurt.

I wanted to give him karma so I grabbed the girls hips and pulled her close.

I heard quiet footsteps go drifting off down the hall.

I then pull away and  walked away putting the blood covered dictionary in my bag and walked off to the canteen for lunch.

Blake wasn't there?

I shrugged it off and saw my friends already at the lunch table.

"Dudeee you got to kiss ,the,Chloe!" They shouted patting my back.

"Glad you finally got rid of that weird emo f@g" they said making me nod awkwardly.

I didn't want any more weird looks being shared my way when I'm with him..

Or do I?

I don't know.

Everyone rushed out the canteen to get to second period.

I had English with,Blake..

Omce I entered the class I saw Blake in the very corner again.

I moved towards my seat next to him but I saw Conner there.

In my spot.

"Piss of owen." Owen said putting his hand on Blake's thigh.

"Move, loser." I said staring into his eyes.

"Go away Owen.." I hear Blake mutter under his breathe..

I see blood  drip on the table,it was from Blake's sweater he had on.

Conner put his hand on his wrist gently and cleaned up the blood with his sleeve.

My stomach fell to the floor.

My throat felt dry.

"Whatever emo." I say heading to the other seat at the front next to Chloe.

I didn't feel bad,at all,that wasn't my fault.

Was it?

Very short one but just to clarify I love history and it is not boring in the slightest.

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