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(This may be the last part)

It may be long or may be short idrk


I take my seat in science next to Blake,no way to escape me now.

I overheard Conner ask Blake to switch seats.

"He won't move,so sit down." I say making them both look at me.

"Shut up Owen I will move and you won't do shit about it," my heart aches at Blake's words but I just ignore it.

I grab his wrist and pulled him out the room.

The teacher wasn't hear luckily.

I took him to the stair well so no one could hear us.

"Why are you so cocky now?!" I shout making him try escape my grasp.

I just squeezed him harder.

"Well it's not my fault your dating that girl Chloe is it? You never asked how I felt even though you were the one acting all protective and suddenly you don't care about me anymore? Make it make sense." I see the tears steam down his face as he struggled to get out my hands.

My throat went dry.

I didn't know what to say.

I pulled him closer wrapping my arms over his waist.

He cried in my arms digging his nails into my shirt.

I see my football friends enter the door.


I forgot they were in science aswell.

"Sup emo." One of them said.

They pulled him away from me and pushed him down on the floor.

"Do you cut yourself,honestly I'm not even surprised I think you should k1ll your self to be honest." I just stand their.

"Like I've not tried it.." he says looking at the floor.

"Fucking punch him already."  Someone said.

"You fucking won't." I say clenching fists.

I grab one off the guy's collar and practically choked him before throwing him at the bottom step of the stairs.

"G-get off!" I hear Blake yell.

I turn my back and see one off the boys trying to pin him on the floor.

"Cmon give me a little kiss, fucking f@g."  I hear him say back.

One of the other boys jumps on my back causing me to get distracted from what was happening with Blake.

I kick the boys knee and slam him into the wall.

I see Blake being pinned down the floor by the boy and their lips pressed against each-over,
I guess this is how Blake felt when I kissed Chloe..

"Cmon why don't you ride me,stupid slut." The boy says kissing his neck.

What the fuck.

Blake shook his head before kneeing him in the dick.

I almost bursted out laughing but decided I wouldn't.

I grabbed Blake's hand again and dragged him to the toilets.

He's actually Made me hard by doing,nothing!

I shut the door and lock it this time before rushing to take of my shirt then I undone my pants while he took of his as-well.

He kept his shirt on but I didn't mind cause he looked cute and vulnerable which was good for me.

I dragged him onto the toilet and pulled him onto my lap.

He started biting and licking my neck then he hit my sweet spot,this boy had a way with his actions.

I put my hands on his hips and tilted my head back out of instinct.

"Fuck.." I sighed.

I bit my bottom lip before he licked it once more.

My dick was insanely hard,it also wasn't helping that Blake was sitting on it and kept fidgeting which made it hard for me not to fuck him roughly here right now.

He bucked his hips making my dick become tighter in my boxer briefs.

I pulled them down abit letting it spring up .

He moved himself on top of it fitting my cock into his entrance.

He made it look so easy,but I physically could not.

He grined on me teasing me.

"Stop teasing,"He shook his head and continued doing it.

This boy really knew how to piss me off.

I squeezed his ass causing him to actually start doing something.

"Fuck,I'll just have to do it for you,10 times more worse," I said making his eyes widen and a whimper escape his mouth.

I shrug and push him off me.

I bend him over and start thrusting into him letting loud moans escape his mouth.

There's no way I can last long if he keeps moaning like this.

"Fuck you make me so horny," I whisper in his ear causing a whine come from him.

I knew dirty talk turned him on.

I tugged on his hair enjoying this new power.

I pulled his hair back looking at his face.

It made me get 100 times harder if that was even possible.

I cum in his hole letting him collapse on the floor.

"My ass hurts now," he whines making me chuckle abit.

"I can go again?" I suggest winking at him.

"Piss off"

I kneel down looking at his shortass.

"Repeat that."

He shook his head looking at me with his pretty little eyes.

I ruffle his hair before putting my pants back on.

This boy made me feel all kinds of horny,and protective over him.

Is it puppy loveeeee🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😭😜😜

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