I'm here for you.

29 2 0

Word count: 944(?)
They refer to each other as sisters but it's mostly just Callie talking.
Agere is NOT a kink. Ddlg, abdl and variants DNI. Don't sexualize this content, I will crush your skull in w/ a dynamo.

Gist of the fic - Callie is visiting Marie, and comes home to her regressed. She takes to caring for her, despite not entirely understanding.


You'll be ok, I promise.
Shuffling was heard from the distance as Callie worked on unlocking the door to Marie's apartment. She huffed quietly at the stubborn door. Why did her sister (cousin, technically.) have to live in this place?

Callie was staying over for a week since they had the same vacation this time 'round. It was starting to get stressful from all the work and near constant separation, but they both finally had a break. She had brought some gifts for her sister, but she hadn't been there earlier in the day when she first got there, so she left everything in the spare room.

She muttered in frustration under her breath as she finally got the door opened and her key unstuck. She stretched her arms out before calling out into the darkness.

"Marie? You back home, yet?" Callie questioned allowed. Marie hadn't been responding to her texts today, outside of an odd 'baendffd' (which, Callie had NO idea what in the world that could've meant) in response to one of her questions. Callie didn't think much of it, however. I mean, why would she? She gets texts like that from her friends, why not Marie?

Callie didn't get a response, but she could tell Marie was there. She was crying, somewhere in the building. Times like these made Callie happy she had such good hearing, but also very worried because of the situation.

She gripped the handle of the door and walked in, closing and locking it behind her as she placed the key on one of the miscellaneous holding-items nearby the door. She huffed softly as she raked her gaze through the living room. Not in here.

"Sis? Can you come out? I can hear you." She stated, worry starting to taint her voice. She would most likely be in her own room, but she knew that Marie had heard her.

Shuffling could be heard from the distance. It wasn't much of a noise, but it was loud enough for Callie to know that this crummy apartment is holding one sad-sap of green ink.

The cold hallway connecting the bedrooms to the living room suddenly had a squid in it's grasp. Marie had finally revealed herself, covered in blankets and a light green pacifier in her mouth. The sight wasn't THAT much of a shock to Callie, having seen Marie like this once before. But she hadn't known she was there at the time and she never really questioned it.

Callie wasn't entirely sure what to do- I mean, was Marie like- A kid? A little little kid? Like, one of those... Tiny triangles with a few limbs and eyes? She was crouched over as well, possibly to look much smaller than she really was, with her tentacles tied behind her head in an odd and unorganized bun.

Callie carefully shuffled her way over to Marie, hoping to possibly be able to comfort her.

"Hey-hey- You ok? Do you want a hug?" She spoke softly as she as she held her hands out. The only response she got was being shoved into a hug. Her sister simply clung to her, seemingly unable to speak (and not just because of the pacifier just barely staying in her mouth.)

Callie softly hushed her as she gently patted her sisters back.

"Here, here- Come sit down on the couch, ok? I'll make you something to drink and then you can have all the hugs you want." All Callie got was a silent nod in response. She watched as Marie waddled her way after removing the inkling from her grasp.

Callie quietly walked her way to the kitchen, taking a small cup from the cupboard and filling it with boiling hot water and placing Marie's favorite tea inside. A small bag for an equally small cup. She stirred it around and once it had finished she turned over to where she could see Marie.

"Do you want sugar in it, lil' sis?" The 'lil' part seemed to slip from her tongue but she honestly didn't think it was a problem. It seemed to be accurate since Marie was acting a lot like a child. Maybe she... Was one, in a way? Callie has worked with kids in the past, so it wasn't a bother at all to her. Maybe she could ask a few questions later on.

Marie nodded, her bright gaze seeming to watch Callie absentmindedly. Callie smiled in response.

"Alright. I'll add a bit. Thank you for letting me know." She stated, turning back around as she shuffled a spoon around and placed some sugar in the tea, the bag now in the bin.

She placed the lid and straw onto and into the cup, so that Marie could have it and be less likely to spill it. She grabbed a small towel as well and grabbed the warm cup, as she strolled her way back over to Marie.

"Here you go. I got you a little towel as well in case you wanna' set the pacifier down, OK?" Callie sat down by Marie after handing it to her. The internally little inkling leaned against Callie with the items in hand. Callie wrapped her arm around her sister, her gaze softening.

She hummed the calamari incantation softly as she held a hand on Maries head, just hoping she felt ok. It seemed as she had stopped the sobbing while she was making the tea.

Marie mumbled softly a sorry, but Callie didn't mind one bit. She would be here for Marie through thick and thin.  No matter what happened.
"I'm here for you, lil' sis. You'll be ok"
Even if she didn't understand.

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