Chapter one~ Hide and Seek

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Chapter one~Hide and Seek


"And please sort those books out."

Miss Halbron said handing me a list of books. I've been working in the school library ever since I entered this school ... which means 4 years ago. I never was a shy person neither did I hate humanity or something. I just liked books, especially old ones. There smell reminds me of my life before. The one where I could hide between the bookshelves, the one I want back, the one I have to hide

Anyways, imagine a girl with long braided brown hair, green-brown eyes, medium sized, dressed with jeans and a plain white T-shirt and glasses. She isn’t ugly, but she is beautiful either. Well that girl is searching books in a huge library and she desperately wants to get home. I love my job but I have a life to attend to (and yes I do have one). It might not be the most interesting one, but it is quiet.

 If only I had known those peaceful days where about to end.

What do I do in my life you might ask yourself?

Well I listen.

I listen to the students, my so called “classmates”. Imagine a hide and seek, well I’m the one who seeks the secrets and they are the ones trying to keep them hidden. But in the end I will always find out, because that’s what happens when your quiet and you just listen. As much as I know about Julia, Jonathan and the other, as little they know about me. I bet that if you ask anyone in my class they won’t be able to tell you my name, my birthday or any other information concerning me. The reaction they could have would be “I think she just transferred here” or maybe “She’s called Carla or was it Taylor?”

Some call it isolating oneself; I call it a choice of Lifestyle. Since I have arrived four years ago I haven’t been noticed. Most of the people who tried talking to me in the beginning gave up pretty quickly. I have my reasons.

The first thing a newbie is told is to watch out for the secret-five. But all they can tell you is that the theory is that those people were separated into different classes allowing them to cover up the whole student body of our year. Those secret-five have created a net where all secrets are shared

Nobody seems able to find out the obvious: who they are.

I have.

Each one of them is responsible for a “group”. Vicky Janis takes care of the “nerds”, having quite demanding parents it allows her to learn while gathering secrets. Clara Bennett is responsible for the “druggies”, let’s just say that her motto is “A bag of weed is all you need” and that she has quite … effective ways of doing her job. Yasim Lin finds out the secrets of the “in-people”. Her case is quite particular: she is the DJ of the Luna’s Club, one of the gathering places of that social class. I still don’t understand how she does it with all the noise but her listening is excellent. Coraline is the “switcher”: she takes care of the rest of the students switching from group to group having friends almost everywhere.

 And then there is Casey Nollen. She belongs to the “in people”. She is the link. She is the “new” leader since she was the heir to the throne. She was her mother’s daughter. She’s the one who started this whole thing.

What thing? What if to keep your reputation you had to keep a secret? What if you need something to pressure someone? What if you’re just curious? What if there was a website where you could buy secrets?

Well that’s what they have. Everyone knows the website. The principle is simple: at the end of the week (Friday) they make a list of the entire secrets they found out. Then there is the vote. If one of them imposes her veto on the secret, it is carefully written on a paper and put aside. If not the name of the secret holder and the theme of the secret is posted. Finally the betting starts. You would be surprised how high the betting goes especially for the Yasmin’s secrets. Casey is the one who organizes the website, her word is law.

Some might find exposing secrets disrespectful, cruel and heartless, and quite frankly so do I but I prefer not to interfere. As a price I get to pass under their radar. I try to stay out of the whole business. There is just one little problem, one that interferes with my quite peaceful seeking game.

Casey is my twin.


“Yes, I have bought all the books I need. … No, I don’t plan on putting the house on fire. … Yes, I will take care that your horses are correctly looked after. … No, they haven’t arrived yet. .. Yes, I will call you as soon as they are here. … Ok, bye. Lo….”

She had hung up. Love you to mum. She had called form somewhere in Italy to make sure her horses had arrived. Not to check on me ... Of course not. I mean when your son enters a brand new town why would you ask if he’s doing okay.

Both my parents had the habit of hanging up on me. But after a few hundred times of asking them not to do so you give it up.

Michelle and Patrick Davidson are the wealthiest business couple in the USA. My dad was the owner of a big company which develops computers. Unlike the wife’s of dad’s business partner, my mum has her own business: she sells horses. Not the cute little ponies, but the fast ones, the ones that race. Of course she had her own horses. Twelve to be exact

Speaking of which, I hear the horse trailers rolling up the entrance. Sighing I got up from my fatboy and went down. This Houses turns out to be even bigger than the last one. It will take time to adjust.

“Hey Jeremy. How was the trip? Did you find your way easily?

Jeremy Samson has been the horse keeper ever since I can remember. He and his sons have been taking care of mom’s treasures for her. They live and move whit us. Each one of them has a free week each month so they can go see their family. They organize themselves so each week is a different one.

-Yes, thank you Mr. Davidson. Is your mother home?

-What do you think? No, she isn’t, but I would gladly help. What should I do?

-Thank you. Well you can unload the horses in this van. I think that there is Dalmira, Penelope, Puck and the new one.

-New one?

-Yes. Your mother bought a new mare. Let the boys take care of her, she’s a handful and dangerous. I guess the boxes are labeled?

-Yeah. Where are Tom and John?

-They must have started unloading the horses already.

Indeed I see them taking out Cupid and Chanel.

-Ok. I better get to work then. After we have finished I will show you your rooms and Magda has prepared dinner.

-Good we are starving.

A little exercise will do me some good. Even though it’s my fifth start, I’m nervous. But tomorrow is my first day as “Golden Boy” and as we all know first impressions are everything.

After having unloaded all the horses and after the Samson’s settled in we all go to the main house. It has become a tradition for me and the staff to eat dinner together, but that’s our secret. If my parent knew that, they would fire every single employee and kill me afterword ... Or the other way around. But I must admit that they have become my family.

The table is quite happy. Everybody is relieved that we have finally finished settling in and that everything went right. Tom, John and I are talking about the new mare which caused a few problems during the unloading, while Jeremy, Magda and the rest of the housekeeping team are discussing the “free-week-system-planning”. I understand that the Samson family doesn’t need their weeks. I will have to ask why.

After dinner we all go to our rooms and after making sure I had everything prepared for the next day I went to bed. First impressions are everything and tomorrow has to be perfect. I have to hide my secret which shouldn’t be a problem.

Tomorrow the curtains are on and the game begins.

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