Part 4.

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TW: Mention of r@pe
Athena's POV:
After about 6 hours, Enzo finally came home, drenched in blood. I wasn't even surprised and I didn't question it considering he was the second biggest mafia in New York. Btw there's only 3 in all of New York. He pushed me out his way, going to his office. "What the fuck was that for. Were you not taught any manners?" He turns around quickly, his eyes darkened. Why would I speak up.

He walked towards me. Thank God I put Arabella to bed early. She was cranky and started to gain a fever so I put her to sleep.

He tilted his head, making me fiddle with my fingers. "I don't feel like dealing with your shirt Athena. You walk into my life with barley any warning. You will obey me. You live under MY roof so I will not let you disrespect me or talk to me in any disrespect way. Got that? And don't talk to me for the rest of the night. You annoy me enough".

That last sentence hurt a lot if I was being honest. I nodded slowly, letting him win this argument. "Use your words Louis". He acts like he's my dad or something? "Sorry Tempest. I will not talk to you since I annoy you so much." I had a loud tone to my voice, hoping I wouldn't wake up Arabella. It took forever to put her to sleep. I don't understand the random fever she got. She was fine yesterday and this morning?

I go upstairs, walking past Arabella's room, hearing whines coming from her room. I was in slowly, seeing her sitting up, crying and calling for me. "I'm here sweetheart. What's wrong? What hurts?". She points to her throat and her head. I felt horrible. I take her temperature and it was 103.6. Why was it so high...? "I'll be right back hunny..".

As I'm walking down the stairs to go get some ice from the fridge my eyes meet Enzo's. I hated him for what he said. I thought we were getting along in a way. I thought maybe Arabella was bringing us together. But no he's just a stuck up bitch and will always be one.

I ignore his presence, putting ice in a bag and wrapping it up with a towel and grabbing one towel, running cold water over it. "What are you doing." His deep voice gave me shivers, wanting to ignore his question but I spoke up. "What does it look like?" He scoffs at me, grabbing onto my wrist tightly. "Don't talk to me like that. I thought you would have learned how to respect me after our conversation it I guess not." He grabbed onto my wrist tighter than before, a whine coming out from my lips and he lets go.

"I already have enough going on. You're the least of my worries." I grabbed the things quickly and went upstairs to Arabella's room before he could say anything.

Arabella was coughing up a storm. I felt horrible. I put the cold towel on her forehead and the wrapped ice on her wrist. I move some strand of hair behind her ear, rubbing my finger against her cheek. She eventually fell asleep after whining for hours. I put the ice and the towel on the side table, falling asleep next to her.

Arabella was snuggled up against me, it was late and I heard the door creak open which made me wake up. I had my eyes open just a little, seeing a body walk up in front of me. I only saw their lower part of the body because I was laying down on my side. They brushed a strand of hair behind me ear. I let my eyes blink open, seeing Enzo's face. "Is she okay?.." I heard him say. Why wasn't he asleep? It's like 2 in the morning..I brushed it off and I sat up a bit, pulling the covers over Arabella a bit more, making my eyes meet Enzo's.

"She has a very high fever. I think she my have the flu or something I'm not sure." I was still made at him for the scene he caused downstairs. He went on the other side of the bed, making himself fit by Arabella, pulling the covers over himself. He pissed her forehead softly, making her turn to him and the wrapped her hand around his finger. A smile came up in his face but it immediately went down. He didn't smile much unless it came from Arabella.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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