Stanley Yelnats - The Bread

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  After months of being in Camp Green Lake, it had been a while since there had been any new kids in the camp. Plus, I was the only girl at the camp due to the girls camp nearby being full. Boring, sand filled days dragged on and I desperately needed something new.

As if it was a miracle, a yellow school bus bustled through the desert as the boys and I dug our holes. It struck my attention but decided to find out who it was after our holes were dug.

I walked into my tent with Zigzag and Magnet and was met with a face I've never seen before. A kid with curly, ratty brown hair and a nervous expression on his face met eyes with me. I saw how nervous he was and knew firsthand how scary it is to be around people you never met.

Magnet talked first, "Hey I'm Magnet, that's Red and Zigzag".  He looked around at the three of us, "Hi", he responded shyly. I smiled at him; it seemed like I was the only one that was kind to him.

At lunch, X-Ray was giving Stanley a hard time. It's a known fact that X-Ray always tests out the new kids by teasing them or taking their food.

It gives him a base level of how much he can push them. But Stanley genuinely seemed sweet, and not like the others who have come and gone who were actual troublemakers.

I was sitting across from Zigzag when X-Ray snatched Stanley's bread off his tray. It was very obvious Stanley wasn't going to do anything, so I did.

I calmly took the bread off of X-Rays tray and licked both sides of the bread while still maintaining eye contact with him. His mouth dropped open as I plopped the bread back down on his tray.

The rest of the table laughed. There are very few times that X-Ray is silent, and this is one of those times.

As lunch went on and we started leaving the cafeteria, I heard a quiet "thank you" from Stanley. I turned my head and smiled at him, "of course."

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