🧸Ashley (me) 🧸

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𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕠:
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➜﹒ 《☄️》Name : Ashley

➜﹒ 《🌌》Age : 16

➜﹒ 《☄️》Gender : Non-binary and genderfluid

➜﹒ 《🌌》Pronouns : they/them/it

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➜﹒ 《☄️》Likes : cuddles, art, music, stuffies, animals

➜﹒ 《🌌》Dislikes : <similar to Triggers>

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➜﹒ 《☄️》Agere Role : little and pet

➜﹒ 《🌌》Triggers(make sure you censor) :||yelling/loud noises
-public speaking
-animal abuse
-being alone
-getting hurt I.e punched, falling over
- dad & step dad
- failure
- dark
-enclosed spaces/crowds
-dead name/wrong name
-wrong pronouns||

➜﹒ 《☄️》Extra : i own a spell book i made it myself!

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