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my thoughts on stellarlune (SPOILER ALERT)

thought bubble 1-the elephant in the room (ships)
okay so loved the confession and kiss and all but like it felt a bit too rushed yk yk? it took sophie what 6 or 7 books? to confess to fitz so i just felt like it was too rushed/sophie didn't have as strong feelings for keefe when the last 2 steps to sokeefe (first step: confirmation keefe like sophie (which we got in unlocked) step 2: confirmation sophie like keefe (which we got just now) and step 3: confession) just all happened in one book. while i love love love that sokeefe was finally approved canon, i just can't feel the whole 'bf gf' material anymore.
also i feel like tiana, wylynh and other side-character ships apart from the main love triangle .

thought bubble 2-cover, name, etc.
cover just slays.

okay i can't be the only person who thinks the name should've been elysian since like 60% of the book was about uncovering the truths abt it and the giant cliffhanger in the end?? like stellarlune sounds super cool but i just feel like elysian fits better. but i have a theory that other ppl probably already thought of.
i think book 10's gonna be named elysian. not that big or genius of a theory but it makes sense.

thought bubble 3-the whole glimmer situation
sO LiKe
i really hate the fact that linh and stina just can't get over the fact that glimmer/rayni isn't their enemy. like build a bridge and get over it!

thought bubble 4-the other elephant in the room (oTHer sPEciEs)
okay first, where's our #1 sokeefe supporter ro? like i'm starting to think she may have overestimated her strengths and she... uh, yk. bUT SHANON WOULDN'T DO THAT TO US, WOULD SHE??
(oh yes she would if she left us with that 'i aM eLySiAN' cliffhanger.)
also i have another small theory.
you know when lady gisela said she offered empress pernville or whatever her name was 'human islands' in return for her help?
did nobody remember that amy said that a couple of islands were wiped out in the human land not so long before the trolls stopped the whole treaty business?
coincidence? I THINK NOT.
also what's going on with sandor- like my boy needs help- he's getting attacked by a bunch of bloodthirsty baby trolls for the Duck's sake-

thought bubble 5-final thoughts
so um here's a couple of random things
-while i was reading the whole fitzphie rejection part i can't stop thinking about pizza. idk why.
-i paraded around my house when i read the sokeefe confession. quite literally.
-vespera's dead !! 🥳🥳

so my final rating on the 9th installment of New York Times best selling series Keeper of the Lost Cities : Stellarlune is a solid 9.9999 out of 10.

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