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spoiler alert 🚨

and also, since i had a lot to say abt this movie, we are eating GOOD tonight/today!

thought bubble 1 : confessions
-so uh... i might get cancelled for this but... i didn't watch avatar 1.
-UPDATE: as of march 3, 2023, I have rewatched avatar one at least 4 times in the past month.

thought bubble 2: the elephant in the room
-okay so like i loved the movie and all but... iTS 3 WHOLE DAM HOURS. (and i know that pjo fans r cackling rn)
-i could've finished a percabeth fanfic in 3 hrs! i could've finished CET in 3 hrs!
-i tbh just feel like there was way too much scenes that weren't necessary. Like, idk bout u, but i find it EXTREMELY HARD to sit there for 3 hrs. like, i could barely walk after i walked out of that theater!

thought bubble 3 : roasting (not trying to trigger any stans here)
-spider's dumb af. there. i said it. he kind of reminds me of mowgli from jungle book. also, he literally saved the bad guy.
the whole problem un this movie.
the very reason that NATEYAM is ded. like. i stan that dude. i CRIED. (yes carrii a movie abt blue ppl swimming around can make me cry.) but we will talk about that later. UGH.
yk that scene towards the end when jake hugs spider + lo'ak? HA. wait till he finds out spider saved mr bad guy (i forgot his name).

-lo'ak is also dumb af. in a good/bad way. mostly good.
he reminds me of harry potter. the classic 'ik there's a chance im going to put the whole world on danger but i need to save my friends' thing.

-okay so,,, since we're going into this territory now, i'm just gonna come right out and say it. yes, i know i may get sued.
jake sully is super dumb at making choices.
like, in my opinion, if jake rlly loved his family and his people, he should been smart and just handed himself over. like, running away for the sea people was rlly dumb. what did he expect? for mr bad guy and his human buddies to just stop searching? no, dummy!

thought bubble 4 : the mother of the elephant in the room
yk, spider should've just let him drown. he's probably gonna be the problem for avatar 3.

thought bubble 5 : the grandpappy of the elephant in the room (wow, we've got a lot of elephants in here)
like, at this point, the movie is an art MASTERPIECE. it's basically 3 hours of james cameron flexing modern day technology.

thought bubble 6 : the whale in the room

-okay may i just say.
-the part where the mother tukun died was VERY emotional for me. that was the first time in a while i actually cried.
i have an undying love for whales. and ducks.
-i hate that some people are actually like that. they're willing to take LIVES of peaceful creatures for money. THIS is modern people. and it's NOT okay. it's cruel and evil and greedy and selfish, and i NEVER. EVER. want to even look at a person who promotes that.
-my mask was practically all wet when ms fish alien mom cried about the other tukun being so happy for her and how they were ✨soul sistas✨ ... and also that scene when the baby was like so confused like 'what's happening with my mom? why isn't she talking?' 😭😭😭

thought bubble idk anymore : ships
-tsireya + lo'ak is the cutest thing ever. u can't tell me otherwise.
-i don't exactly ship much here.

conclusion: bobbie really liked this movie but she is frustrated with some of the content and found some of it triggering (the whale scene). she rates the sequel of #1 most successful movie of all time which took 13 years an 8/10.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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