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okay so i actually watched the whole thing a while ago but i forgot to write a review soooo yea here it is

thought bubble 1 : as always, ships.
-i lowkey did not ship wednesday with tyler. there. i said it. u can all come for me now.
-i don't like xavier x wednesday so much either.
-like tyler's personality in itself is fine. it's just that... uh yk yk the the hyde situation iykyk
-it's just that like in the last episode i feel like tyler just turned evil. remember, he said like, "oH hOw dOeS iT fEeL tO LOsEe" and remember, all u 'wEdNEsDay sHoULd giVe tYLer aNoThEr cHanCe' breadsticks, tyler did not hesitate to help thorny or whatever her name is kill wednesday.

does thAT seem like true love to u?

i think that if Tyler really, actually loved wednesday, he would probably like, oh i dunno, show some kind of restraint to thorny? like, ik she's the controller n stuff but i thought trUe LoVe iS mOrE POwErFuL tHaN aNy bAd guY. well, according to dumbledore and a bunch of  fairytales, it is. but considering dumbledore is like the most powerful wizard ever, i think i'll trust him.

okay. xavier. i think xavier's fine. i never thought he was the hyde. even tho it 'fit' together, something just seemed a bit off.

thought bubble 2 : the elephant in the room
okay so
just gonna say
that mr bad pilgrim guy
looks like crap

thought bubble 2 : the elephant in the roomokay sojust gonna say that mr bad pilgrim guylooks like crap

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like am i wrong ?? he looks like a bloody dementor took its hood off (should've kept it on)

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like am i wrong ?? he looks like a bloody dementor took its hood off (should've kept it on).he looks like the masculine version of a fury.
like, ik u were brought back from the dead a couple minutes ago but why couldn't u have been more.. idk, less like a 50 yr old spending all his time on tinder that lives with his parents?

like i got nothing against the actor. the actor looks fine.

i mean look at this man

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i mean look at this man. he looks like every other middle aged celebrity.
nah man.

thought bubble 3 : le sTALkEr
-okay bit confused bout the whole stalker situation. first i thought it was mr uncle but... i think he's not? then i thought ms thorny... but then again...
and then i see that message the stalker sends to wednesday. I mean, i thought she already figured out who the stalker is. for a sec i thought it was just xavier joking around.
like wth if someone i don't know just messaged me

'igOt mA eYEs oN u 👀'

i would literally throw the home out the window.

anyways even tho i'm still a bit traumatized, i rate world-record breaking #1 in like 70 countries netflix hit wednesday a 100/10.

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