Family Dinner

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Chapter 8- Family Dinner

Amelia eventually made it home after her trip to the grocery store

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Amelia eventually made it home after her trip to the grocery store. She put the groceries away and took a quick shower. After her shower she began to prep dinner. She had planned on making steak and potatoes along with brownies for dessert. By the time Jax arrived at her place she was pulling the brownies out of the oven. She placed them on the counter before heading over to open the door. She opened up the door and smiled softly at him "Hey, I just finished up making dinner and some brownies." Amelia told him before moving out of the way to let him in. Jax gave her a kiss on the cheek before entering the house. She closed the front door and headed to the kitchen "Are you okay Jax?" She questioned as she looked at him. She could see he was stressed and it was most likely due to the club. "Yeah I'm good babe. What's for dinner?" He questioned as he hung up his kutte on the chair. "Just some steak and potatoes. Sit down I'll make you a plate." Amelia made herself and Jax a plate before sitting down next to him. "Gemma is throwing a dinner tomorrow and she wants you there" Jax told her "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." Amelia responded before she began to eat. Jax nodded "You're important to me and you're Happy's sister. You're family now doll. She just wants to get to know more about the special lady in my life" Jax told her which caused Amelia to blush "I'll be there." The two continued to eat their dinner. Once they finished, the two cleaned up the kitchen before settling onto the couch to watch a movie. The two eventually fell asleep in each others arm, tired from the day they had.

The next morning came around and Jax was needed by Clay. He kissed Amelia bye and told her he would see her later at dinner. Amelia cleaned up around her house and did more research on Bucky till it was time to get ready for dinner. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She's only talked to Gemma a few times and it was small conversations. She knew how much Gemma meant to Jax and she only hoped that Gemma liked her. She got a pasta salad ready then proceeded to get dressed. She decided on a simple dress and some boot heels along with a leather jacket. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She grabbed the food and her bag then left her place. Jax had sent over Gemma's address so she added it to the gps and was on her way. Amelia eventually made it and saw Jax waiting outside for her. She parked her car and climbed out as she was greeted by Jax "Hey babe, ready?" Jax questioned to which Amelia nodded "Ready but nervous. I just want your mom to like me." She replied as he led her inside. Once inside she was greeted by Chibs and Juice. Jax then led her to the kitchen "Hi Gemma, thank you the invite. I made some pasta salad, I hope that was okay." Amelia said as she entered the kitchen "No problem and yes that's fine, you can set it on the counter." Gemma replied. Amelia nodded and placed the food down "Do you need help with anything?" Amelia questioned to which Gemma shook her head no in return "All good in here, dinner will be ready shortly." Amelia just nodded and set off to find Jax. She soon found him talking to Opie and went over to the duo. She smiled at Jax as he wrapped an arm around her. The trio talked till Gemma called everyone to the table.

Amelia sat in between Jax and Chibs at the table. Jax could tell she was still nervous about being there so he squeezed her hand for comfort to which she gave him a small smile. Once everyone settled down at the table food began to get passed around "So Amelia, tell us more about you." Gemma stated. Amelia cleared her throat "Uh there isn't much to tell. As you already know I'm Happy's younger sister. I moved away and joined the Army once I turned 18. Served for a few years then once I was out I lived in New York for a while." Gemma just nodded "Heard you helped patch up Happy?" Gemma then questioned "I did yeah. I picked up some medical training while in the army." Amelia replied. The queen continued to ask Amelia questions as dinner went on. Not long later Amelia's phone began to ring. "Sorry about that I thought I placed it on silent." Amelia stated as she pulled her phone out. Once she saw it was Steve calling, she excused herself from the table "I'm sorry I have to take this." She got up and walked into the kitchen "Hello?" She said once she answered "Hey Amelia, I wouldn't be calling unless I had another choice. We have a situation." Steve stated "What's going on? Did you find Barnes?" Amelia questioned "No. No luck on Bucky just yet but I'm not giving up on him. During a mission we located and retrieved Loki's scepter. We brought it back to the tower and Bruce along Tony ran some tests on it. In attempt to use the power for a plan the two had for peace, they created Ultron. A robot hell bent on human extinction." Amelia sighed as she leaned against the counter "We need your help Amelia. We need to stop Ultron." Steve said "I'm in" Amelia replied "There's one more thing, we found a pair of twins during the mission. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Pietro has super speed and Wanda..Wanda has the same powers as you." Amelia was shocked "Shes just like me? Let me guess. They were using the scepter for experiments." Amelia said "Yeah they were." Steve replied. Amelia sighed and ran her hand down her face as she noticed Jax entering the kitchen. "Okay. Send me a quinjet and I'll be in New York within the next few hours. Am I meeting everyone at the tower?" She questioned "Yeah you'll meet us here. Sorry for having to drag you into this Amelia. I'll send the quinjet along with some files. See you soon." Steve said before hanging up. Jax walked up to her and could see the more stress look on her face. "Everything okay Amelia?" Jax asked to which she shook her head no "It's complicated to explain but I have to go to New York. I'm needed." Jax just nodded "How long will you be gone for?"Amelia just shrugged in response "Could be a few days? Could be a week or two. I'm sorry to do this Jax." Amelia replied "Just come home safely to me." Jax told her and she nodded "I will." The two shared a quick kiss before going back to the dinner table "I'm so sorry to leave in the middle of dinner but my friend is having an emergency and I have to fly to New York." Amelia stated to the table before grabbing her bag "Thank you for having me and I hope I can come to the next dinner." Amelia said "Hope your friend is okay." Gemma stated in response "Me too." Amelia said goodbye and apologized once more before Jax walked her out to her car. "I'll call you when I can." Amelia said before the two shared one more kiss. "Please stay safe." Jax stated "Will do, bye Jax." She replied before jumping into her car and speeding off.

Up Next...
Amelia arrives to New York and helps the team prepare for the fight against Ultron. Back in Charming, Gemma has Juice do some digging on Amelia, who knows what they might find out?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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