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Chapter 5- Back Home

   After a few days of driving she arrived back in Charming

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   After a few days of driving she arrived back in Charming. She pulled into her driveway and parked her car. It was early morning and she knew no one at the clubhouse was awake. She went into her house and instantly went to the shower, feeling dirty after the rough couple of days she had. Once she was out of the shower she changed and made herself something to eat. By the time noon rolled around she figured she should probably head to the clubhouse, let everyone know she was back home and safe. Well somewhat safe, she would have to explain the bullet wound. She finished up her breakfast and rewrapped her wound. She grabbed her keys then left. After a few minutes she pulled up to the clubhouse and parked next to Happy's bike. She sighed and took a deep breath in order to prepare herself. She climbed out of the car and was instantly pulled into a pair of arms she recognized as Jax. "You're home." Jax said to her as she hugged him back, nuzzling her face into his chest "I'm okay Jax, I'm home." She replied before pulling away from the hug. He then noticed the wrap on her arm "What the fuck happened while you were gone Amelia." Jax said as he slightly raised his voice "I will explain everything later Jax. First let me find Happy." She said as she placed her hand on his cheek. She gave him a kiss on his cheek before walking off to find Happy.

     Amelia then proceeded to walk into the clubhouse and searched for Happy. She quickly noticed him at the bar and walked up to him "Hey Hap." Happy quickly recognized her voice and pulled her into a tight hug "I was worried about you girl." He said before he pulled away from the hug "I'm okay Hap. A little banged up but okay." Amelia replied as she tucked her hands into her pants. "I should probably tell you what happened but I can only tell you what I can and it's for your safety you don't know everything. I will just tell you and Jax for now. What I tell you stays between the three of us got it?" She said to Happy who just nodded in agreement while Jax entered the clubhouse. Amelia then proceeded to grab the two and take them to Hap's dorm. Once the three entered the dorm, she had the two sit down. "Okay what I tell you two does not leave this room understood? I can only tell you certain things but that's for your safety okay." Amelia said as she ran her fingers through her hair "What do you mean for our safety?" Jax questioned "I just can't tell you certain things okay. Just trust me Jax, please." She responded before she eventually began to tell them what happened in DC and the Battle of New York while leaving out certain details like her powers and her being kidnapped. She knew eventually they would find out about them but she wasn't ready for that. "That's all I can tell you okay guys? Please don't say anything to the guys unless I have to tell them." Jax and Happy looked at each other before nodding "We understand. We're just happy you're home." Jax said before Happy hummed in agreement.

Happy decided he was going to give Jax and Amelia some time alone. "I'll let you two talk. I'll be out by the bar." Happy said before giving Amelia a kiss on her head and walking out of the dorm. She sat down on the bed next to Jax "Are you okay Jax?" She questioned "Yeah I'm good sweetheart, just trying to process it all. I was worried about you. I care about you babe" He said before looking over at her. She gave him a soft smile "I care about you too Jax but I'm okay and you can't get rid of me." she said before resting her head against his shoulder. In the little bit of time she has lived in Charming she has grown the closest to Jax. The two just continued to talk for a while. "Come on there's someone I want you to meet." Jax told her. He stood up and held out his hand to her. She took it and followed him out to his bike. "Do I get to know where you're taking me?" She questioned as Jax handed her his helmet "You'll see darling" Jax responded. The two then took off. The two eventually reached the hospital and he parked. He led her inside and the two headed to the NICU after getting visitor passes. Once they reached a room he pointed at the newborn "That's my son, Abel." Amelia knew about Jax having a son but was unsure if she was ever going to meet him. "Jax, he's beautiful." She said as she looked at Abel. She loved and adored children especially after having met Clint's children. However after everything that happened to her during the time Hydra kidnapped and experimented on her, she was told she would never be able to have kids.

Jax led her into the room so she could see him more up close. "How long does he have to stay here for?" She asked in hoping she wasn't prying. "Hopefully not much longer." Jax replied. Amelia just nodded and looked down at the sleeping baby. "Why'd you bring me to meet him Jax?" She asked as she looked at him "I want you in my life Amelia and I like you. However I'm a package deal, you get me and my kid. I just wanted to see how comfortable you would be with that." He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist. She nodded as she looked at him "I'm starting to like you as well Jax but my life is a bit crazy if you wouldn't tell." She replied "I know. Just give me a chance, let me take you out." Jax told her. She ran her fingers through her hair. Sure she was starting to like Jax but what would happen if he found out about her powers. Would he still like her the same way. She then nodded "Okay, one date. Let's see if you can change my mind." She replied and he grinned. He kissed her forehead and eventually the two left the hospital. Once they got back to the shop, Amelia said goodnight to Jax and headed home.

Up Next..
Jax and Amelia have their first date! How will Happy feel about it? Amelia also gets some updates from Sam on their search for Bucky.

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