Trouble in DC

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Chapter 3- Trouble in DC part 1

     Amelia stood in the entry way of her new home

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     Amelia stood in the entry way of her new home. To say she was excited was an understatement. She moved around a lot during her time in the military and SHEILD so it felt nice to settle down somewhere. She only hoped that it would last this time. With the help of the guys she was able to move into her place rather quickly as she had most of her stuff shipped from New York. She felt a hand on her shoulder which caused her to notice Jax "Everything is in the house, you okay there babe?" She nodded her head as looked at him "I'm okay, I really appreciate everyone helping out. Is everyone hungry? I can order some pizza and there's some beer in the fridge." Jax nodded "Pizza sounds great. I'll let the guys know." Jax said before he walked into her house. She just nodded and went ahead and ordered the pizza.

      Once the pizza arrived the guys and Amelia hung out for a while till they were called away by Clay. She thanked everyone again before beginning to clean up and getting ready for bed. It took Amelia a few days to get used to being alone in a house again, she had grown accustomed to sleeping at the clubhouse which was constantly filled with people. A few days later she pulled up to the clubhouse preparing to hang out with Happy that day. She climbed out of her car and greeted everyone as she walked into the clubhouse. "Hey guys. Know where Hap is?" She asked as she reached Jax and Chibs sitting at the bar. The two both shook their heads "No lass sorry" Chibs responded "No worries, he's most likely sleeping so I'll hang with you two in the mean time" She responded as she sat next to Jax. A few minutes later Chibs left to go do something which left Jax and Amelia alone. The two began to talk for a while as she waited for Happy. Amelia started to feel herself become closer to Jax the more the two talked and hanged out but was afraid of what would happened he found out the secrets she carried.

    Eventually Happy did wake up and walked out to the bar area but once he reached his sister her phone began to ring. She answered with it without looking at the caller ID. "This is Lowman. Hill? Hill I can not hear you what's going on?" She said before her face sunk at what Hill told her. Fury was attacked and was being rushed to emergency surgery. "I'm on my way. Get me a quinjet and fast." She said before hanging up. "Something happened to someone I care about. I have to go." Happy and Jax shared confused faces with each other before Amelia ran out of the clubhouse. Her phone ding with a text from Hill with the location of a quinjet. "Amy! What's going on?" Jax shouted as him and Happy chased after her. "I don't have time to explain, I have to get to DC." She said as she reached her car. She quickly threw open her trunk which kept most of her SHIELD equipment. She grabbed her gun then checked to see if had ammo then tucked into her waistband. The two watched in confusion as they didn't know she had all of this equipment. "Look I will text you when i'm safe and will tell you everything when i get back. I'll be gone a few days." She quickly kissed both Happy and Jax on the cheek before climbing into her car and driving off.

Amelia arrived in DC and Fury was still in surgery. She rushed through the hospital and found the room which held Steve, Nat and Hill as they watched Fury's surgery. As soon as she walked into the room, his heart rate began to drop and the doctors tried to save him. She stood there as her heart sank as she watched the doctors tried to save the man who was like a father to her. Sure Nick Fury could be cold hearted but he was there for her since she had joined SHIELD. She then heard the doctor call time of death. She shook her head and stormed out of the room to clear her head. She quickly sent Jax a text to him know that she was safe. She wiped her eyes before heading back to see Fury's body before they took him away. She stood by Natasha and didn't say anything. She didn't even know what to say.

    Soon her thoughts were disrupted by Steve's voice. "Amy, Nat. They need to take him." Amelia just nodded and moved to the side so they take him. Once Fury's body was taken, she turned to Steve. "What the hell happened Rogers." She said to him as they walked out of the room. She waited for him to answer before Rumlow walked up to him. " Cap. They need you back at SHIELD." Steve nodded "Give me a minute." Rumlow shook his head "Now. Agent Lowman, they want you at SHIELD too." Amelia just nodded before whispering to Steve "I'm going to find out what happened tonight Rogers." She then walked away from him. Back at SHIELD she changed into her shield clothing, tucking her gun into her holster. Every possible scenario ran through her head at what could have possibly happened. She stood in front of the elevator waiting for it to arrived, once the doors of the elevator had opened Steve was already in it. She just nodded towards him as she entered telling the elevator what floor she wanted to go too. Soon the elevator filled up with the rest of team Steve ran. Soon Amelia got a strange feeling. Steve then said "Before we get started, does anyone want to get out." That's when the fight broke out, Amelia helped Steve fight off everyone else in the elevator. Once everyone was passed out "Mind telling me what the hell is going on Rogers!" She shouted out, confused on what was happening "Look I'll explain everything later, first let's get out here." The two quickly realized that the only way out was jumping out. She looked towards Steve and nodded "Hold on." Steve quickly said before he grabbed her and jumped out of the elevator with her. Glass shattered everywhere as the two broke through the ceiling of the main part of the building. Amelia did her best to cushion the blow of the fall with her powers. She groaned slightly as the two fell before running off with Steve.

Back in Charming Jax and Happy were worried about Amelia not knowing what was going on. Jax had gotten the text stating she was safe but that didn't make him feel any better. "Do you have any idea on what's going on?" Jax asked Happy who just shook his head in response. Back in DC Steve and Amelia changed their clothes to try to blend in and headed to the hospital. Steve stopped in front of the vending machine and Amelia was confused as why the two were there in the first place. Soon Natasha came up behind Steve and the three of them went into a room. "Where is it." Steve questioned Natasha. The two argued before before Natasha admitted she knew who killed Fury which quickly got Amelia's attention. "Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones who do call him The Winter Solider." The name instantly was recognized by Amelia. "That mission in Iran five years ago. That was him. Why would he want to kill Fury." She questioned the two. "Going after him is a dead end. I've tried. He's a ghost story." Natasha said "Let's find out what the ghost wants." Steve said before the three left the hospital.

Up Next..
Amelia, Steve and Natasha are now fugitives of SHEILD. The three begin to search for answers which leads to secrets being revealed

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