New kid alert

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Tennique POV

I am 15 years old, and I go to the local high school. You might say I am a boring person and a nerd, but truth is, I am quite the opposite. I have amazing friends, even though we're not a huge group like most, we are close, and we are always there for each other.

Today is the first day of the new year and it was extremely chaotic. This year we all got to choose our own subjects and it is stressful but definitely fun. There are also a few new students that transferred from other high schools and truth be told one of them is super cute. He has the same hair colour I have, dark brown, and these gorgeous green eyes with a little bit of blue in the centre next to his pupil. And his lips, oh my pumpkins, his lips are definitely kiss-able. Ever since I laid my eyes on him, I've had a crush on him. I haven't told my friends yet because well I apparently don't have great taste in men. Obviously, I disagree with them completely, but I can't tell them that or I won't hear the end of it.

I stepped into class, and he sat there, all alone, in the back corner, busy scrolling on his phone. I saw this as my opportunity to maybe get into his good books, so I walked over there and sat right next to him.

"Hi, I'm Allan," he said with a smile so bright he almost blinded me. Well, I am basically blind but that's not the point here. He had this English accent that blew my head off when I heard it. This boy was the definition of perfect. If you opened a dictionary to the word perfect, his picture would be there staring at you through those forest-green eyes.

"Hi," I said nervously trying my best not to freak out. He actually talked to me this is a dream come true! I thought. A dream that was only born a few minutes ago but it's still a dream. "Tennique, nice to meet you!"

Allan POV

I was sitting there in class waiting for anything interesting to happen today. I didn't expect anything seeing it's school and, well, school is never exciting. I fixed my eyes on my phone and started to scroll through Instagram till the bell rang for class to start. Just as I got comfortable, I saw a girl walk in my direction. She was kind of cute too, so I was surprised when she came sitting right next to me.

I smiled and introduced myself to her. I could see a faint blush appear across her face when I smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I heard her soft voice. "Hi," she said in her beautiful, angelic voice. She paused a bit. I could see her eyes sparkle and I noticed she tried to hide it. "Tennique, nice to meet you!" she said after the brief pause. Her lips moved so smoothly. All I could think about is kissing her. I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my mind. I opened my mouth to try to start a conversation, but she beat me to it.

"So," she stretched out the o sound, "where did you transfer from?" My mind went blank, and I suddenly couldn't think straight. I gave her my signature smile to hide the fact that she made me so nervous.

"I just moved here from London a few weeks ago actually," I said trying my best to hide my excitement about living somewhere overseas from that boring place. I honestly don't understand why people want to go there so badly. There is some stuff to do there, but it gets boring after a while. I guess it's like that everywhere, but to me, that just seemed extra boring.

"That is so cool!" she said finally smiling. How I wish she would smile again, because that smile nearly gave me a heart attack, that's how great her smile was. "I've always wanted to go to London!" I kind of expected her to say that and well I guess I'm going to have to get used to people saying this seeing London is pretty popular.

"It's boring if you ask me, but sure it could be fun once in a while I guess," I reply with a bit of a shrug which makes her laugh a bit. Her laugh is music to my ears. This girl is special I can tell.

The bell rings a bit too early for my liking and I have to part with Tennique.

"See you around," she says while giving me a small wave and walking out the door.

"Yeah sure! Bye," I reply walking out after her and turning in another direction.

It is now the first period and I have absolutely no idea where to go. We got our schedules, but this school is so different from the schools back home and I don't have a clue where to go. I stood there in the middle of the hallway and looked around trying to see where exactly I am. I saw C3 painted on my attendance class door and then a door to the left was C4. I looked at the small piece of paper in my hand. My first period was Math, and it was in class G1. I wandered through the school trying to find the class, with no luck. The hallways were empty except for two girls at the other end. I awkwardly ran over to them and realised one of them was Tennique.

"Hi," I said smiling at her and her friend interrupting their conversation.

"Miss me already new boy," Tennique said teasingly.

"Mind introducing me, Tenn?" the other girl asked Tennique. I guessed her nickname was probably Tenn, which I came to realise soon after.

"Oh yeah sorry Car," she replied to her friend. "Car this is Allan he's in my attendance class, Allan this is Cara my best friend."

"Nice to meet you Cara," I said politely. Cara is a beautiful girl, but she doesn't come close to Tennique.

"Same to you! So, why did you come over here in such a hurry?" Cara asked.

"Oh yeah! Do you maybe know where I can find G1?" I say, remembering the whole purpose of why I came over.

Both of them burst out laughing right there and they wouldn't stop. "Lost already new boy? Well, I've got some good news and some bad news for you," Tennique said, still laughing. I looked at her seeking the answers which she probably realised, because soon after she continued. "Well good news, you're standing right in front of it. Bad news, you're late so get comfortable, you're not going in soon."

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