Is there a god...

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Pov Wilbur

I was busy doing paperwork with Techno thats when two guards came in and they quickly said "we... had found prince tommy in the near by village" I froze and look up at the guards who had ran in here and said "is this... really true" they quickly responded with a "Yes" I quickly got up from my desk and ran to the gate Techno followed quickly behind me I got there first to see a.
Little blonde hair person allmost falling off a horse...
That person Tommy!
I stand there doing nothing so was techno before tommy who had saw me had ran to me and gave me a hug I started to cry me
and tommy and fell on the floor crying I quickly said how are you alive
Techno just stand there I look
Up to see him crying then
I can hear tommy say "I... miss y.o.u.."
Before he passed out my shoulder
had gotten heavy
I quickly grab tommy back and pick him I just sigh Techno picked up tommy from me and was holding him tightly like he was going to disappear after that we brought him in to the castle fundy and Sally were in the garden playing they had saw me when I got into the castle with techno and tommy
Sally had end up saying something to fundy because he end up ran to me and gave me a big hug
I was really confused but just decided to
Give him a hug back then fundy stop giving me a hug and ask "who is he" I responded with he's my brother fundy look rather confused but just nodded and ran off to Sally again.
I just sigh me Techno walk off to go to tommy old room before...
he died and stuff.
we place him on the bed Techno left to talk to phiza and I stayed with tommy because I want to make sure he was Fine .
I stay with tommy until night fall I was so tired but I stay
Techno had to dragged me
but when I didn't budget he was forced to picked me I started to try to get off but I was to tired to fight.
Techno was holding me like I was a 1 year old child who misbehave.
I was forced to sleep but I just decided to go to bed because Techno said I can see tommy tomorrow and that I needed sleep I did not need sleep
I want to stay with tommy my brother sleep can wait my baby brother was back and I can't wait to tell every thing that had happened when he was dead like how I meet Sally had a kid and more different things
I grumbled and fell asleep
I woke up to see tommy near my bed and Techno
When tommy see I was awake he jump up from the chair and jump on me I was very surprised I just gave him a hug back I ask tommy did he ate anything he said no so I grab his hand and made my way to the kitchen after I got changed Sally and fundy was already eating
Me tommy sat down and started eating tommy started to talk to phiza about what happened when he died they where talking for about 10 to 20 minutes before I ask tommy if he would like to go to the garden he quickly said yes and jump up from his chair an started to drag me off my chair I got out of my chair and followed tommy to the garden so did Techno so we went to the garden


Hope you love this I will try to post every day but I have school

Words 630

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