Deadly Love

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"Miss Polly is going to St mungo, say goodbye to her"  said Madam Pomfrey, Pansy asked crying: "She will be okay right?" She responded: "I dont know. Im sorry" Hermione stormed in "We will miss you Polly" Draco laughed "she isnt dead" i could see everyone wanted to laugh except Hermione "She needs to go" madam said and Hermione walked out crying

"I'm losing hope.." Draco said "its been a week" his voice was broken "Draco she will survive, everything will be okay" Pansy said "We all miss her" mattheo said "She isnt save if she would wake up" tom said, "What do you mean?" Mattheo asked tom "Do you really think dad will stop? he is gonna make her a deadeather and he wont stop until that becomes true" he was right "Sofia cant beat him.. we need to let him to this" Draco said, he didnt want to do what he said "No, we will do this. We are making her a deadeather, we wont let him get her a trauma "but first she needs to wake up.." Madam Pomfrey came "Please move, i wanna check on her" they moved "she could wake up any time now" Everyone smiled "But you guys go to class" only Draco didnt stand up and leaved "I will stay till she wakes up" Draco said "Fine, malfoy if you get expelled not my fault." she said annoyed "fine i will go but please stay with her" he said annoyed.

"oh hello miss riddle, you finally woke up!" i opended my eyes further.. "Finally?.." i asked "Yes its been a week, 8 days exaclty dear" she answered "Is everyone else okay?" i asked looking around "No sadly, Lorenzo is there but he is sleeping, his leg is broken and Polly transferred to St mungo this morning, she is deadly injured." she said, i felt bad "Everyone is going to eat in 30 minutes, you can suprise them then" i was so happy i can see everyone agian "I'm so happy i can see my brothers again and Draco" i replied "Great" and she put a cart on door that said that no one was aloud in "Go get dressed up" i walked out to my dorm, i rembered that night again, i tried to ignore it but it just coudnt go away "the bell ringed and i waited for a few minutes and i went to the great hall

 i ran in, Draco saw me and ran to me, i almost threw my hands him and kissed him "I missed you so much" he said, we were both crying. Then i saw my brothers and ran to them and hugged them "Youre in danger" Mattheo said "What?" i said confused "Dad isnt gonna let you go, he is gonna do everythings to make you a Deadeather.." i didnt want to see him ever again "we are you going to make you a Deadeather, we do not want you to get turtored." i was shocked "No" i said "but it will-" mattheo tried to say but draco interrupted him "You heard her. Come Sofia we are going." and he grabbed my hand.

"Being a deadeather isnt that bad, and i will protect you and youre brothers will to" He said when we reached his dorm "I dont wanna kill, I'm not that kind of person" i said, i really wasnt that kind of person, now i get it why i almost got into Ravenclaw "You dont have to kill immediately, and otherwise i will take the task." he said but i wasnt sure of he actually will do what he just said. It hitted me how dangerous it will be if i didnt listen, "Do it." i said cleary "What?" he responded confused "Make me a deadeather, i dont care." i said even though i did care about it "if you want to i guess.." he sounded not to sure.

"it will take a bit of time for the mark to become clearly visible" he said after he did some weird things. "Sofia?" he asked "yeah?" i responded "How is your blood line?" weak spot hitted "Idk, dad killed my family on his side and you know moms side" i said "I'm sorry" he said back "its okay but i gotta go to Potions class now" i said and i walked away from him "Wait! if you feel a pain in your arm just say you have a pain in your arm, professor Snape gets it." Draco said


"It was hard to concentrate in potions, my arm hurted intense, snape came "Miss riddle everything alright?" he asked and i remembered what draco said "My left arm hurts alot" i said nervous "Your free to go." he said without thinking. i walked trough the hallway when i heard Mattheo and Tom talking as curious as i'm i went to listen.





i coudnt stop myself from walking to them "Whats about me?" i said, "Tom no." mattheo said knowing that Tom was gonna expose him "Mattheo does drugs." he said calmly, my jaw dropped, my brother does what? "NO HES LYING" HE SCREAMED DEFENDING HIMSELF. "and why arent you in class?" Mattheo said trying to change to subject "i felt sick" i said, i was lying tho. "Oh really? what are your symptoms then?" Tom didnt believe one word from what i said, there was no way i could make him believe me "You really need to know?" i said trying to avoid telling him, "Yes." he said clearly "i listened to what you wanted." and i walked away, i didnt know if they got it but i didnt matter.


I walked to the common room, ready to look myself up in my dorm, Radio on, time standing still, crying and singing along with the music. I ran to my dorm crying, not carring about anyone that looked at me, i heard footsteps behind me but i didnt care who was behind me. "Sofia!" a voice said, i ingored the voice "sofia" the voice said my name a few times "SOFIA SALAZAR RIDDLE, Answer me!?" i looked behind me, i was annoyed at this point "SHUT THE HELL UP" i screamed before i realised who i was screaming to, draco it was draco i was screaming to "IM SORRY, IM SORRY, I WILL NEVER SCREAM AGAIN, I PROMISE. IM SORRY-" i screamed hoping he wouldnt do anything me, Draco interrupted me "Woah chill out, are you okay?" didnt he see it? i was running through the hallway, crying, I didnt wanna lie again "no i aint okay." i said, he replied:"come were gonna go to your dorm" he took my hand. "random question, are you in love with someone?" i asked him to break the silence "Yeah i do" i answered, i hoped it was me but i was way out of his league for sure, till he said something "Look i will tell you in your dorm" I was nervous, but there was nothing to be nervous about, i was out of his league, thats it.

We got into his dorm, i was still hoping he had a crush on me "So who do you like thenn??" i asked, draco responded with: "Shes nice,sometimes annoying, powerful,crazy and she is pretty hot i think" it obviously wasnt me, draco started talking again ".. and her name is, Sofia Salazar Riddle" it was me, but i guess he was just joking "Haha nice joke" i said, he looked at me weirdly like i had done something really dumb "No silly, i aint joking" no he was just turning into Fred and George weasley, "Prove me, if you are sure?" i said, he looked really happry with what i said "Okay if thats makes you happy" he said laughing, he kissed me. 

suddenly he stopped "Do YOU lov me?" he asked, of course i did "Yeah ferret boy" i said "DO NOT CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN" he was mad and it was soo funny seeing him mad for littarly no reason, Pansy walked in "Come to the great-.." he stopped talking when she saw us, we werent naked or something but it still shocked her for some reason ".. never mind" she said nd she walked out, "well that was weird" i said "Pansy can be kind of a snitch so if the whole school knows." draco said, i really didnt want dad finding out, he would kill draco."whats wrong?" he asked, i must noticed that i looked kinda scared "Youre dad will kill me?" damn he knew me well, i nodded yes "and people are gonna think i am a whore because i'm ugly and you arent.." i said, he looked shocked "You? ugly?" he said "You are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen" his voice calmed me down "i wanna let the whole school see who my girl is, lets go the to the great" as we walked to the great hall he grabbed my hand, we got down at the slytherin table "so you two now officialy Girlfriend and boyfriend?" Pansy asked, i looked at Draco "Yes." he responded.

Thank you for reading<3

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