Such A Cheater.

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!! Tw: Kissing, Alcohol, swearing, sex !!

 woke up laying really close to Draco who was still asleep.

I wanted to get out of bed.

-Draco: "Stay for 5 more minutes." His voice was raw.

-Sofia: "Okay than.."

How it looked:

How it looked:

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30 minutes later.

Narcissa: "Draco, Sofia come eat breakfast!" She knocked on the door.

We both woke up.

-Draco: "Ugh coming!" 

He got out of bed.

-Draco: "are you coming?"

-Sofia: "No"

-Draco: "Come on"

-Sofia: "Fine"

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen with Draco.

-Pansy: "Finally!"

-Narcissa: "Hurry up breakfast is getting cold"

 grabbed a plate.

-Sofia: "Thank you Miss Malfoy"

-Narcissa: "You can call me Narcissa! Enjoy Miss malfoy" She said joking.

-Sofia: "Why miss Malfoy?"

-Narcissa: "You think i didnt hear you yesterday?"

-Tom: "Dont worry Soof she heared us all at some point"

-Narcissa: "I believe your mom even recorded the sounds.."

-Astoria: "True psychopath that woman.."

-Sofia: "Hey!"

-Tom: "Come on its true, dont protect her in this one!"

-Sofia: "Fine its true than.."

-Narcissa: "Oh Sofia your mom sent a owl this morning, you need to go to Madam Pomfrey today she has something for you!"

-Narcissa: "But yall need to get dressed because i need to bring you hogwarts for the quidditch match"

-Blaise: "Who need to play again?"

-Draco: "Slytherin-Ravenclaw"

-Theo: "Did you hear Looney made the team!?"

-Sofia: "She did? And dont call her Looney."

-Narcissa: "Whos Looney?"

-Pansy: "Luna Lovegood, she's a bit weird"

-Sofia: "In a good way"

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