9.Hogwarts Houses

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Yuki:Really Lando?
Max:Yes really?
Daniel:Did we really have to watch all the Harry potter movies in one go?
Lando:Whats wrong with that?
Carlos:well,we did only get to bed
at 2 pm the next day
Esteban:Yeah and it took hours before we finished all of the movies 
Lewis:Yes i literally just woke up after sleeping since i got home
Antonio:It is fine Lando
Mick:Guys i have a question after the Harry Potter movie night!
Kimi:Whats your question kiddo?
Mick:So i was wondering what Harry potter houses we all would be in!
Max:Same actually
Checo:So what is the plan?
Valtteri:Yeah how do we find out which houses we are in?
Fernando:No idea
Charles:how about one person will
say the house+ traits and the others will say a name!
Alex:Good idea i like that!
Lance:Who's going to say the house+traits
George:i agree
Pierre:me too
Seb:Alright lets start

Seb:So first is Slytherin
Seb:Cunning Ambitious
Determined and Leadership

Max:Nikita is definitely a Slytherin
Checo:Yuki as well
Antonio:Nicky maybe?

George:Nah noway Nicky is not
a Slytherin!
Nicky:i agree

Nikita:I knew Max would be the one
to say my name
Mick: 🎶Say my name say my name🎶

Seb:Alright so Nicky still needs a house
Seb:Next one is Hufflepuff!
Seb:Loyalty Kindness
Honesty and Friendship

Lance:Definitely Mick
Kimi:Agree Mick is a Hufflepuff!
Carlos:Daniel is definitely a Hufflepuff as well because Hufflepuff has a
Honeybadger in their house crest
Charles:Carlos matches Hufflepuff aswell
Fernando:Same thing for Lando,
Alex and George.
Mick:I'm not a Hufflepuff
Esteban:you are

Seb:Alright next is Ravenclaw
Seb:Intelligence Wisdom
Creative and Originality 

Antonio:You Seb
Lando:Lance maybe?

Mick:i think Esteban is more a
Slytherin or a Hufflepuf.
Esteban:I'm not

Seb:Last house Gryffindor
Seb:Bravery Daring Chivalry
and Courage

Lando:Max Verstappen!
Max:Well if you guys say so
Pierre:Checo as well!
Checo:Funny i was about to say
your name Pierre
Seb:Esteban fits better in here!
George:Nicky is definitely a Ravenclaw
Max:Guys i know Mick his name has been said already but i feel like he is a Gryffindor to!
Mick: i am?!
Max:Yes you're Brave Daring
and have courage

Esteban:Hey guys now we discussed what are houses are,who are you're favourite Harry Potter characters ?
Lance:Dobby for me!
Mick:Mine is Harry potter but also Dobby
Nikita:Draco Malfoy.
Max:I wonder why you choose that one
Max:Anyway mine is Cedric Diggory
Alex:Max is into brunettes😏
Alex:My favourites are the Weasley twins
George:Same mate
Lando:Same for me
Charles:Same for me as well
Checo:Why because they are like
you guys?😂
Checo:Anyway mine is Sirus
Lewis:Mine is Mad Eye
Valtteri:Mine Lupin
Fernando:Mine is Voldemort
Kimi:I like the bird of Dumbledore
Antonio:Mine is Also Dobby by the way
Carlos:Luna Lovegood Is my favourite
Daniel:Weasley Twins for me
Seb:Flitwick for me
Yuki:I like Bellatrix she's a mood
Pierre:Of course she's your favourite😂
Nicky:professor mcgonagall Is
my Favourite

Mick:Am i the only one curious why Nikita decided to choose Draco?
Max:Yes i mean Come on Mick don't
you get it?
Mick:Don't i get what?
Alex:Draco Malfoy is not a
likeable person
Charles:He is a bully and a
spoiled rich kid
Lando:Nobody likes him
George:Kinda like Nikita
Esteban:Nobody likes him to
Yuki:But Draco didn't have anger issues
Max:I bet he has
Nikita:Thats NOT why he's my favourite
Esteban:Oh no?
Alex:Why did u go for him then?
Nikita:None of your damn business
Max:Oh yeah Draco had a attitude to!
Nikita:Well so have you don't act like
a angel Verstappen because your not
Seb:Okay before things get real bad,
lets talk about something else
Daniel:Things like?
Mick:I don't know
Lewis:how about we all go to sleep
Valtteri:yeah it's 1 am
Fernando:i agree lets sleep
Kimi:Goodnight guys.
Hey Guys i have a Question for you closely,read the question carefully and leave your Answer in the comments!

As you guys could read in the chapter Nikita his favourite Character out of Harry Potter is Draco.

The next question is for you guys:

'Why did Nikita choose Draco,
Why is his favourite Draco Malfoy?'

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