1 - Prologue

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Riley stares at the bouncing jiggly ass cheeks that were unfairly hidden behind thick blue jeans that paraded themselves around his peripheral vision on the other side of the kitchen.

He had a scrawl on his face as he focused intensely on the objects of his immediate interest.

"Daaaaaad! You don't always have to cook breakfast for me!" Allison whined as she ran into the kitchen and plopped herself down at the centre island. "I'd like to be allowed to do some of these things for myself. I'm a grown woman after all!"

The man in possession of the ass cheek that Riley was so intensely staring at turned his whole frame to face his daughter who had just walked into the room.

"Ally, you know there are very few things left in this world that still bring me joy. Please let me have this," The deep monotone voice of the man said, the sheer power behind his voice ringing throughout the slick silver aesthetics of the kitchen.

He carries a sizzling hot pan of fried eggs and bacon over to where Allison sat and dumped the contents of it onto her porcelain plate and leaned over to kiss the top of her head.

"Have a good day at school, sweety!" He chimes.

Allison beamed up at her dad but then mischievously turned her gaze to Riley, who had sneakily turned his sight away from her father the moment he'd turned around.

"Oh, c'mon dad! Don't be so greedy with the affection!! You're going to make Riley feel left out!"

Riley's head snapped back over to look at his bestfriend as he understood what the bitch was trying to do.

And the evil grin that formed on her face all but confirmed it.

"What? You want me to kiss your boyfriend and send him off as well???" Her dad asked.

"Yes please!" Allison sings. "Sharing is caring after all! You're the one who taught me that!"

Allison's dad rolls his eyes at her but starts making his way towards Riley, who almost jumped out of his sit from the motion.

"Have a good day at school Riley. Please keep this one out of trouble." He says, referring to his daughter.

He reaches Riley and brushes back a huge tuff of his hair and places a soft warm kiss on Riley's temple, sending him straight into the fifth dimension.

"Happy?" Allison's dad snarky asks his daughter as he turns back to the kitchen stove.

"Very." Allison responds, wickedly grinning at Riley from behind her dad's back from ear to ear.

She looked like she would grow two devil's horns and a tail at any moment.

But then sudden realisation hits her as she hoops down from the kitchen chair and races out of the room.

"Oh shit! I forgot my backpack!! Be right back!"

Silence descends upon the kitchen at the moment she left.

None of the two men wanted to speak at the moment, and would not make eye contact with each other as they were both hiding and fighting off severe blushes overtaking them from the sweet kiss they'd just shared.

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