(1942) Open Your Eyes

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What is that? I'm ahead of schedule?!

Surprise, everybody! Maybe take this as compensation for my two-week hiatus.

We're in for a long road of revelations and truths, so buckle up, buttercup!

January 1, 1942

Washington, D.C.

"Thank you all for coming," Britain announced to a room full of countries, America next to him. All the Allies and almost all the occupied countries were there, plus the Central American nations. The sole Asian one was China.

"As you see," he continued. "My son and I have been talking. We've been discussing strategy and possible outcomes of this war. It's become a truly global battle. The Axis powers have made it clear that we would have to destroy them if we were to stop them. I hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does..."

He exhaled. "I have a vision. About what we're going to do after this war is over. We thought we were strong before, but all the invasions have proven that our alliances were fragile as paper. We need stronger alliances. On a much bigger scale. So here's what America and I came up with."

America pulled out a scroll, and unrolled it. "Declaration by United Nations" was titled on the paper. Two signatures were already there.

"This treaty will bind all of us together into true Allies," Britain explained. "This ensures that we stay together. We'll all be accountable. And we'll all do our part to make sure it doesn't break as easily as the previous ones. Because I was thinking that we should keep it even after the war's over."

"It'd be a way to keep us in check," America continued. "Like the League of Nations, but much more effective. Make sure we don't start wars left and right. A peace council."

"Of course, war will still be an option, but after the amount we've had this decade back-to-back, only as a last resort."

"So what do you say?" America reached into his pocket and unearthed a pen, laying it on the treaty.

China was the first one on her feet. "I've been alone in my fight for so long...allies are exactly what I need." She confidently strode up and wrote "中華民國".

Other countries were soon lining up, waiting for their turn to draw their signatures. By mere chance, Soviet found himself in the front of the line, not sure what compelled him to do so.

"Aren't you gonna sign?" Australia was right behind him.

Seeing the growing number of nations, he quickly added his name and made himself scarce, silently berating himself for trusting a simple document.

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were next. After them was South Africa, then the Central American countries. In order: Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.

"How'd you get them to join?" Australia questioned America.

"After what happened to Hawaii, they were afraid that Imperial would come after them next."

Then the occupied countries. France unfortunately wasn't there due to her duties as both of her identities. Neither was Denmark, as his government was incapitated. And Austria's government was gone, so he couldn't sign.

Belgium finished her signature. "Ik zweer dat ik mijn land terug krijg." (I swear I'll get my land back.)

Czechoslovakia, fueled with determination, scrawled hers out. "Tohle je pro tebe, bratře." (This is for you, brother.)

Greece could barely write legibly with her arm shaking in anger. "Θα πληρώσεις, φασίστα." (You will pay, Fascist.)

Luxembourg did his casually, and the Netherlands as well. Norway also filled the empty space.

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