chapter two arrival

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We rose up into the air but with limited fuel how far could we get? As we flew over Canada, the plane dropped out cyan coloured sky like a ship in a cloudy sea, we nose dived towards the ground all of us braced ourselves for the fall but not for what was about to happen, as soon as we crashed I saw the driver twitching and spots and blisters grew on the nape of his neck like fungaii on a plant... As I forced myself out of the dented door hanging off its hinges fresh bodies were all I saw, all I could focus on. My friend who was injured got lodged in the back of the plane because we were able to bandage him up before they bit him too he was stuck as his seatbelt was jammed. But as I  drew out my handgun it was already to late...

As the driver had pinned him down and sunk his jagged teeth into his arm and ripped a bit of flesh off, he screamed in terror as other bits of his flesh dropped off to create a mouldy corpse! He was my friend but now he was just like all the others an animal. I had no choice I drew my gun and shot the one who had bit him. as the bullet hit his face it exploded into little giblets and a few maggots proceeded through his eye balls. Then I turned my gun to what used to be my friend, who was franticly scraping at his seatbelt I  whinced and Pulled the trigger it hit him straight in the heart and he had a painless death. I stole the food supplies from under the drivers seat and trudged out into the thick snow cutting through the picturesque woods to  what lead to a village that I could not enter as I realized I was covered in blood a crimson red coating all over my lab coat. I backed away from the view and into something else "well what happened here" then it hit me I had a gun and shrouded in blood it was a police officer he grabbed me by the neck and threw me into an armoured truck I was forced into concussion as my head hit the steel door and woke up in an iron cell but the gate was locked and bodies everywhere in front of my cell cement was broken and some flames flickered.

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