New Horizons

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   The family traveled for two months under the harsh cold weather. They would stumble upon small towns, all ruled by blood-thirsty and money-hungry men. They crashed for a week in an inn located in one of the poorest places they had come across. There they waited for the first blizzard of the season to come to an end. They all cuddled closely, as the freezing air made its way in through every small crack and opening of the walls. Amaris slept between Asgot and Astrid. She was always warm between them, never even waking up once during the nights. Gardi would always find himself shivering and pulling on Asgot's long beard trying to get a hold of the fur blanket he used. Asgot would grunt and growl as Gardi tugged and pull on him. These sounds caused Gardi and Astrid to wake. She'd kindly give Gardi an extra fur blanket sending him off to sleep once again. But moments later while in his deep sleep, Gardi would pull on Asgot once more.

   The blizzard was came to an end just over a day after their arrival but the clusters of piled snow, almost as high as the homes in the twon stopped them from leaving. While Astrid stood indoors looking after Amaris, Asgot and Gardi went to the town's markets to get food for the family and Grim. Their dog ,Grim, would hide all day and night in a borrow beneath the inn. There he found warmth and a place to call his own until Asgot and the rest decided it was time to go. Asgot would take Grim some fresh milk and food. Grim always recieved him with the warmest of welcomes, licks and wags at all times. 

   During their fourth day in town while Asgot and Gardi went over to the town's square fetching some food, Astrid and Amaris stood asleep. She was so worned out from the day before that she had completely overslept. The sun begun to shine in through the windows. The ray of lights bouncing from Amari's white hair and Astrid's red locks. The wind swept the still snow back and forth through the runned down town's roads. The chilling whistle of the wind hushed the land and its inhabitants. It was as if the storm had swallowed all life. 

   In the square Asgot and Gardi were able to find some fish and bread to eat. They walked some more around the aquare's market. They stumbled upon a home. It seemed overly runned down from the outside. It had holes in the woods that helped others creep in. But warmth came out through those tears. And along with a delicious smell, like sweet honey or a delicious pie. Asgot's and Gardi's stomachs begun to growl. Their minds begun painting images of their favorite desserts. Blackberry pie, Roast berry tea, Chocolate cake, berry and chocolate crepe. Their mouths salivated and their stomach's demanded the sweet delight. 

"That sure does smell delicious, don't it Asgot?" Gardi said before taking another sniff.

"It sure does!" 

   They heard a bell ringing besides them. They looked to their left to see a woman with a basket filled of sweets standing at the top of the wooden steps. 

"Are you men alright?" She questioned.

   Gardi and Asgot stared in silence. Her hazel eyes staring back into theirs. 

"My sweet lord. What a beauty." Gardi murmured to himself. 

"Are you lost? I do not recall ever seeing either of you around before." She questioned them. 

   But the men were still silent.

"Well, did a cat get your tounges? Or are you that way from birth?" She curiously asked beginning to feel frustrated. 

"Your eyes are the color of honey." Gardi burst out pointing towards her.

   Asgot and the woman were taken by surprise by Gardi's comment. Asgot quickly lowered Gardi's hand. 

"Ah, so you do speak." She said beginning to smirk.

   She begun walking down the three steps, getting closer to Asgot. "How about you big guy, do you say anything?" She told Asgot as she pressed her large bussum against his chest as she held the basket on her sidewith one arm. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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