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Luz and Amity sit at their dining table, various pieces of paper spread out on the table between them.

"So, we're set on a date?" Amity asks one last time, trying to get rid of any doubt. Luz nods. "Absolutely, Hermosa."

"And you really think we can get an entire wedding planned in 8 months?" Amity asks, raising a brow at her fiance. Luz shrugs, "I mean, that's about how long it took us to get rid of the Collector."

"Luz, it didn't take us 8 months to overthrow a god." Amity says, gently rubbing her temples. Luz sticks her tongue out. "And how do you know?" "Because I was there!"

Luz looks surprised at Amity's outburst, while Amity just sighed and put her head into her hands. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm just-"

"Stressed out?" Luz asks, getting up from her seat and kneeling next to her love. Amity nods softly. "Yeah..."

"Aaaand, scoop." Luz says, picking Amity up out of her chair. Amity gasps, wrapping her arms around Luz for support. "Luz? What are you doing?"

"We've been at this for hours, Sweet Potato. A break is well-deserved." Luz answers, sitting Amity on the kitchen counter. "Now, I'm going to make us some food." she says, moving towards the stove.

Amity whines, holding Luz's hand to keep her from moving any farther. "Do you have to cook? Can't we just order something?" she asks, pulling Luz back to her. "I don't feel like dealing with the cleanup."

Luz looks up at her, a small smile on her face. "But ordering out will take even longer. What'll we do in the meantime?" she asks. Amity cups her cheek, a small smirk plastered on the abomination witch's face. "Well..."

Before that situation could move any further, the two hear a knock on their door. Luz groans. "Do we have to answer? Maybe if we just ignore it then they'll go away?"

Knock Knock Knock

Amity hops off the counter, going towards the door. "You figure out what you want to order, Batata." She says before answering the door. "Oh! Hi!" she says quickly.

"Oh no. I know that tone!" Luz says, poking her head into the hallway and seeing their guest. She whines, while Amity lets them in.

"Hello Amity." Camila says, stepping into the apartment. Luz mutters something under her breath. "I heard that, Luz!" Amity says, sighing. "It's nice to see you, Miss Noceda."

"Speak for yourself, Babe!" Luz says from the kitchen, looking for their takeout menus. Amity sighs. "Luz! Be nice!"

"I don't wanna!" Luz whines.

"You're slowly losing cuddle privileges, Luz." Amity says, going into the kitchen with Camila. Luz snorts. "We both know you can't sleep without cuddles, Princesa."

Amity pouts, crossing her arms.

"You're booing me because you know I'm right." Luz says with a devilish grin.

"You're this close to sleeping downstairs, Noceda."

"And then you'll be up all night, Noceda." Luz says, pulling Amity close. Amity giggles, gently kissing her cheek. Luz looks over, seeing her mom standing over their table, looking at their assortment of papers. Luz shoots her a glare and she stops.

Amity pulls away from Luz's hug, looking at Camila. "So, Miss Noceda, what brings you by?" she asks, holding Luz's hand. Camila looks around nervously. "Oh! I just wanted to see my daughter and her girlfriend-"

"Fiance." Luz corrects. "Hm?" Camila asks, not paying attention. "She's not my girlfriend. She's my fiancé." Luz says, wrapping an arm around Amity's shoulder. Camila then realizes. "Oh. My bad, I forgot."

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