Chapter 11

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Dominico Vicious Vitale

As if she wasn't enough of an enigma to me.

As soon as her entire body language changed and Antonio began commandeering everyone after telling me we needed to leave, and I watched as she held the blue jacket up, bossing her sister around. I made sure to be behind her as we left the club so I could watch her every move, and I made a mental note of 2 things.

1. Why the fuck she was nodding at Pablo Silva. I'd been tracking the big players of the Silva family, watching their every move for about a month, since they had very well known ties with the Russo I wanted my hands on. And here she was, not bothering to hide that she somehow fucking knew Pablo Silva.

I'd be running a deep background check on her as soon as I got back to the safe house tonight. Along with a cross check of her and Pablo Silva. I'd be watching her every move, because there was something about that connection that did not sit right with me. But I very well couldn't inform my brothers of my suspicion, because they were her right hand men probably more than they were mine. They shared blood with her, not me.

And 2. I watched as her head snapped up as Ariana bumped into some guy on the dance floor. But the way the guy turned and spoke to her didn't settle right with me. I knew he had ulterior motives, and Aurora must have also, because the next thing I knew, she was then bumping into him.

Behind her, I was ready to rip his head off when he turned around hot, ready to berate her, but his face softened when he laid eyes on her and fell right to her cleavage. Then, I made my second mental note to find out who he was and use a rusty spoon to gouge his eyes out for daring to look at her like that.

As soon as we got outside, I didn't fail to notice her assertiveness as she bossed her sisters around once again. Nor did I fail to wallow in the fact that she hated me opening and closing her door for her like a fucking gentleman. I'd deduced that she hated anyone doing things for her, and needed to be in control of everything around her at all times.

Something had happened to her, just as Frankie had said, and I was determined to find it out tonight.

I wondered why she was forcing her sister to give her her jacket and purse in the backseat. She must have been looking for something, just as I knew that that guy in the club hadn't bumped into Ariana on accident, she didn't buy it either. Astute, this one was. Whatever it was she found, she found it quick, because she sat back quietly after 30 seconds.

As we parked in front of Zio Giovanni's mansion, it was chaos around me as the girls all ran to Ariana on the front steps to try to figure out what was happening. Then I had all the guys around me discussing what had happened to cause the sudden exit, but I drowned them all out as my eyes glued themselves to the tanned bare back I''d caught glimpse of.

Scars. A lot of them.

As she opened her car door, she threw her jacket inside, and turned around after slamming it shut, making eye contact with me. I made no movements to hide the fact that I was watching her, and she hated it. Her jaw clenched as she beelined it for wherever it was she was headed to, but I couldn't look away from those fucking legs until she had her back to me, then the salivation stopped as I wondered what the fuck truly happened to this girl...

As she was out of my view, my ears tuned back in to the conversation around me. Did I just hear the name I thought I'd heard?

"Excuse me?" I asked Antonio, who nodded to me, and I followed him. We were heading into the direction that Aurora had gone, but before we'd reached the stone steps to the office we were in yesterday, Aurora came up them, rounding the corner, heading towards her car like none of us were here. But before she could pass us, Antonio took 3 steps, and grabbed onto her upper arm.

He might've been her brother, and I may not know a thing about her, but that gesture alone made me want to cut his fucking fingers off. If looks could kill, mine would've burned his hand off of her, but hers would've caused his head to explode the way she was glaring up at him.

"Get rid of it, Aura. Don't be stupid." He spoke to her in a code, but thanks to my experience and actual brain, I knew she'd found something in her sister's jacket. My money was on a tracker. And the rest of my money was on the fact that she'd taken something from the asshole she proceeded to bump into after Ariana.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." She said, tearing her arm out of her brother's grip. Atta girl. "And don't ever think anyone can tell me what to fucking do." She said to him, leaning in so he really heard her, and walked to her car, bringing the engine to life.

If I was going to be in a constant state of bricked up around this girl, I was going to seriously need to take something that was the opposite of the little blue pill.

I said nothing as I followed Antonio down the stone steps towards the office we had drinks in yesterday after dinner, where Zio Giovanni was pacing, no hint of the relaxed man that was in here yesterday.

I shut the door behind me before he spoke.

"Two words. Enzo Russo." He said to Antonio whose spine immediately straightened as my ears perked up. I knew why I'd been searching for Enzo Russo, but why the fuck was Antonio so disturbed by this information?

I'd come back to the States solely in search of Enzo fucking Russo, and here I was distracted by Aurora Salvatore. I could've ended my business trip tonight had I just paid the crowd a sliver of the attention I had on her tonight. I'd never let pussy distract me before, so what the fuck was happening?

Zio Gio's gaze flew to me, because he knew why I was looking for Enzo Russo. But I was wondering how the fuck Aurora knew Enzo Russo enough to make us all leave immediately upon seeing him.

Absolutely nothing was adding up with her. Between Pablo Silva and her nodding at each other, her attitude towards me, her unusual mannerisms for a mafia princess, and now the fact that she knew Enzo Russo and enough to spot 4 of his men when we didn't even know who the fuck they were.

Either she knew way more than they were telling me she knew, or she was working with Pablo Silva and/or Enzo Russo, and that just wouldn't work in my world.

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