Game 4 :D

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"For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken.It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack." ―D.H. Lawrence

Niall POV

"Pls. Just don't leave me! I love you so much! I can't leave without you. You promise me that, that you'll never leave me! Pls. DON'T! " I said while hugging her :(

"Niall, I love you but I love him too and he need me more than you. I'm so sorry! I hope you understand....... Soon. :( " She said. What? I can't do this anymore. I just can't :( I'm crying right now. I hug her tightly!

She's my first and I want her to be my last but she choose him over me.

"No! Pls! NOOOOOO! Don't do this. Pls! Ju--" She pushed me away and then she's gone? I don't know. :(

I just sit-down here. Crying. I don't know what to do. SHE LEFT ME.


It's raining :(

"No! no! no! no! Pls god don't do this to me. This can't be happening. I can-"


Someone's calling me?


I know that voice. I know her! What is she doing here?

"OMG! BROTHER!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!"

What happened? Why so dark? :O


I opened my eyes. Oh god! I looked around and saw my sister sitting beside me. But what is that dream. I think a nightmare? Who is that girl? She leave me? :O I can't believe if that really happen to me. WHOOOSH! Hays. Thank god it's not true!

"Thank god! You woke up!" She said with concern. :)

LET THE GAME OF LOVE BEGIN :)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon