Chapter:ナンバー 3

474 19 1

Douma was having a usual day, his believers would occasionally come in to check up on him to see if he was fine and/or if he needed anything.

Needless to say, he was bored.

He waited 113 years to see Y/N again, but now that he saw him again after so long, he yearned for his presence, wishing to be in Y/N's sight.

He wanted to see him, No, he NEEDED to see him. Otherwise he'd go crazy for him and go on a killing rampage with the ladies in his estate.

Douma had a crazed and yet, love-sick look in his eyes as he smiled in a way that would freak the hell out of someone.

Y/N this, Y/N that, Y/N was all he ever neede—

"My lord?"

Douma turned to the voice as to his dismay, one of his female followers came in, loose robe with her shoulder exposing her pale skin as she closed the door behind her.

"I..I came to see you.." The woman followed after, walking slowly towards douma with a malicious smile.

"And what?" Douma responded rather rudely to the woman catching her by surprise as her eyes widened, He was usually never this rude. He was always so calm and collected?

"A-Ah, I uhm, I just wanted to see if you'd wanna.." The woman slipped off more of her robe as she started exposing more skin, but a pale and rosy hand with blue nails stopped her.

"Apologies, I would rather kill myself than do it with you." Douma smiled.

"What? But, how come?! You've been turning down all the women in the quarters lately! Why not with me?!" The woman shrieked as she whined.

"My heart belongs and yearns for someone else, can't a leader love another than have sex with you filthy zoo animals?" Douma said as he kept his same smile.

"Filthy?! What has gotten into you My Lord?! Leave that freak and come back to us!! That bitch is probably cheating on you anyway!!" The woman screamed almost loud enough to reach the other founders.

"That's it! I'm telling everyone about you and your nonsensical behavior!" The woman said storming out of the room reaching her arm for the door slide.

"Now hold on just a second~"

A pale hand ran though the woman's hair pulling her to the ground as she yelled in pain.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, Hm?"

Douma pulled her up by her neck as he scratched at her nape all while the woman kept in her screams and cries.

"I am god to you, I'm perfect, I'm invincible, I am your lord and I am everyone of your peers savior. I let you into my estate, feed you to the brim, and even gave you a comfortable bed along with the fanciest clothes in all of Japan for each and every one of you and this is how you treat your God?" Paling, the woman cried with incoherent words muttering apologies.

"Please let me go! I'm sorry! I made a mistake I know that! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean it! I was just heated in the moment! Please! Please forgi-AAAH!" The woman shrieked as she felt doumas hand slash open her stomach.

"Mhm, it's what everyone else says before I put them in their despair." Douma put on a poker face along with his usual smile.

"Oh and one more thing!" Douma turned around to the woman and slashed her eyes, blinding her left eye as she screamed in fright and fear and started clawing at her eye in pain.

"Don't you ever, Ever, call my darling, my Y/N, my whole world, a freak nor a bitch, ever FUCKING AGAIN!" Douma yelled as he cut off her arms and legs to prevent her from running or escaping for that matter.



"My's been 1 week since we've seen kimiyuki around in Our lords estate..the last time I saw her, she asked me where any large robes were, she doesn't wear a large, she's a small which is strange! She even asked the directions to go to Douma-Sans room!"

"I know right? It's weird just how one girl could go missing in under 5 hours..I hope she's okay.."

"Forget about her, she's a stuck up bitch. She hurt my little brother the other day for accidentally spilling Our lords tea he ordered! She's better off gone than hurting anyone else!"

"What did I say about bad mouthing and spreading rumors hah?" Douma appeared behind the three women as he kept his monotone smile.

"Ah! Douma-san!" "My lord!" "My lord!" All three women said shocked at how Douma appeared as if he had been listening the whole time.

"Like i announced, she's not missing! She ran back to her family like I said! She was saddened and came to my room and cried and pleaded to go back to her home, so I did and allowed her. There's no problem, there's no missing girl, she's better off at home, Right?" Douma said as he slithered his arms around one of the girls necks as she shivered. Himala usually felt comfortable around Douma, but something seemed off. He gave an off aura that just didn't make sense.

"..R-Right, yes my lord." Himala said shaking, her nervousness didn't go unnoticed so Douma retreated his arms back to his sides and slowly walked away.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

The girls turned to Douma and gave a concerned look.

"Don't come to my quarters tonight, I have a meeting to attend to."


The cellar door opened as the dark night sky was revealed and multiple trees in view as the moon lit in front of the girls face as she shivered in fear and started hyperventilating at the familiar black and gold hat and pair of rainbow eyes.

"Ah, I hope I made you starve, but not too much that'd you die! Ah, so funny!"

Kimiyuki desperately tried to do anything to get away from him, but being a person without any arms or legs, it was useless.

"I bet you feel pretty pathetic huh? Sprawled out onto the floor like that hm? That's too bad~!" He said as he insanely smiled at kimiyuki.

"P-Please..I'm s-orry..! I beg you! J-Just L-L-Let me go...!" Kimiyuki pleaded as she cried as the chain around her neck choked her leaving red marks.

"Blah blah blah blah, that's all you ever do now. Can't you do anything more entertaining? Oh! Let's see! How about we see you juggle? Hm?" Douma said as he threw a colorful ball at the girls face as she cried.

"Oh right! How could I forget?" Douma said as he walked over and kneeled down to kimiyuki's height.

"You can't if you don't have any arms!" Douma cackled and laughed to himself as the girl whimpered in fright.

"It's just too bad, honestly I would've eaten you when I wanted to," Upon hearing this, the girl widened her gaze as she sobbed silently. He'd already told her about his true nature since she wouldn't tell anyone. Besides, what would she do? Run away and tell someone?

"But you bad-mouthed my beloved, now we simply can't have that can we? So it's more than likely you'd end up here anyways if you didn't disrespect me! But since you took his existence in vain, I'm afraid it's too late for you to back out now.."

Douma took out a pair of familiar fans as he got up and stared down at kimiyuki, who cowered in fear as she started to sob and hyperventilate more now that she knew what her fate would be.

"Alrighty then!"




I'm starting to focus more on this story more so I'll be updating more!!<3

Words; 1326

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