Alternative Ending Part 2

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It took several days to get back home from the battle, all the while I was reconnecting with everyone I spotted. I chatted with the separate village members that I had bonded with, including Kurotsuchi, her dad Kitsuchi, and even Karui and Killer Bee from the Cloud. I have a nice long chat with the Sand siblings, happy to see all three alive and well. 

Neji and Sasuke were reluctant to leave my side much, both slightly afraid I would just vanish if they were away from me too much, so I just toted them both along as my shadows while I met up with everyone. I knew I needed to talk to both of them separately once I got home, and they were thankfully both patiently waiting to get back to the village first.

Tsunade formally pardoned both Sasuke and Itachi while we were on our journey home, which both were surprised to hear that they had been pardoned long ago for their crimes. Itachi seemed to immediately know it was me who had a hand in it, and he just kept looking at me curiously the whole way back. He was also reluctant to leave Sasuke, especially since there is not much trust for either of them within our shinobi at the current moment, so he was really like a third shadow for me too. 

Once we got back to Konoha, we did finally part ways and the Uchiha brothers got set up at Naruto's apartment while they would have to wait for a new home of their own, both debating whether or not to return to the old abandoned Uchiha compound or not. Naruto was more than happy to take them in, elated to have his best friend back and was talking his ear off when he wasn't socializing with others along the journey home. Neji and I finally walked back into our home, a place I didn't think I would ever see again after we had left for war.

"Ami." Neji says after he brews some tea for us that evening, both of us just taking a seat on our porch, looking out into the night sky. "It's time we talked."

"Yeah." I say softly, looking up into his stern yet slightly desperate eyes. "I think it is."

"Your soul in the Sound Four's trap, your dying plea to forgive you for never telling me the truth, and when you said... you couldn't watch me die again. Please Ami, what did all that mean?" He asks desperately, his voice firm but emotional.

"I'll tell you." I reassure him. "It's all connected. Just... please don't see me differently. You're my most important person in this world." I ask pleadingly, and he nods sincerely in response.

And so, I tell him everything. I tell him about my past life, how Death sent me here to learn and grow. I tell him about the show Naruto, and how I knew all the plot of this world up until the war ends. I told him about his own death, and how it affected me even before I ever knew him. 

I cried several times as I told him the truth, and all the while he listened attentively, never once growing angry. I know if I had been on the receiving end of this news, if I had been lied to my whole life, I would have been livid. But not Neji, not my calm, peaceful brother. Maybe a few years ago, before his eyes were opened by Naruto, he may have had some animosity towards me, but not now. By the end of my explanation, and when I told him all the assassination journeys and the secret hunting I've been doing to find solutions to problems before they start, he just held me in his arms firmly.

"Ami, I love you." He says firmly. "You're my twin, even if you are a little different. You saved my life too, so I guess you're also my hero." He smirks at me softly.

"Father..." I start to say, "He left me a second scroll, a different one than the one he left for us both. In it, he told me he knew I was different, but hoped I would always guide over you and keep you safe. He said that nothing is set in stone, so I knew I could change more than just your fate. I was so narrow minded when I came this world, I didn't know how to care about anyone but myself. You helped me, you were the first person I ever truly loved and cared about. I knew... I knew I would do whatever it took to keep you alive, even if I had to die for you." I confessed, and he gripped my hand tightly. "I knew I couldn't live with myself in this world if I had let you die. I learned through the years that I had the knowledge and power to save others as well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I just... was so afraid you would reject me as your sister. I never wanted you to see me as different. I'm so much more Ami Hyuga than I ever was my past self. I know... I know I still have work to do on my soul, even Death mentioned it during the war. But I'm happy to get to have the chance to be here with you and work on it in this world. I really thought the war would be my end here."

Genius Hyuga Twins (Alternate Ending, Sasuke Uchiha X OC )Where stories live. Discover now