Chapter One

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"Oh what the hell! What are you doing hiding under some rocks!" You announced as you reached out the man.

"N/N, N/N, where are you? N/N!" Joshu yelled as he search around.

"Wait guy are you sick? You have a bite on your shoulder. What the hell?! Hell no! I'm not going to become a zombies meal. But if I'm don't help him... Gah! I'm going to call the police alright just stay there and don't move." Your fingers danced to the numbers 1 1 0 . "My name is Kawajiri (Y/N). I found a man he's injured."

"What is his name? And where are you ma'am."

"I don't know his name. I don't  know what this beach is called its in-between The wall eyes and Lovers Cape."

"Keep on the line I'll track your location."

"N/N!" Joshu yelled from the distance.

"Can you ask him if he is alright?"

"Oh yes, I don't know how I overlooked that step." You say sweat drooping "Um Sir, are you injured?"

"You said your name was Kawajiri Y/N, Correct?" His voice cracking due to lack of use. You knodded in response.

"Are you okay?"

"Who Am I? And How am I here?" He questioned as he began to sink lower.

"Hey wait!" You say dropping your phone to reach for him to pull his head above the sand. "You must be in a Quicksand pit! Those have been appearing as of late. Here take my hand and I'll pull you out." You left out an OOF. "Your heavier than you look here wrap your arm around me it'll help distribute the weight." You pull the man out of the hole and onto the normal sand.

"Oh My God. You're naked." You say as you rake your eyes along his body. "You have four... I'm not seeing things am I?" You say reaching out and counting with your fingers. "No you actually have 4 balls." Whilst marveling at the bare man's testes you failed to notice an outrageously jealous man approach the two of you.

"F/N. What are you doing..." Joshu began "No it isn't your fault of course. Its this boneheads! What do you think your doing with My N/N?"

"Your Y/N?" You questioned. But positioned yourself in between the two. "Look you don't even know the whole..."

"Get out of my way F/N!" Joshu says as he pushed you into the rocks above. Causing you to hit your head. You reached up and touched the wound and when you pulled you hand down you saw blood. Whist you were busy analyzing your wound Joshu picked up a rock and charged the man just for him to stand up and get ready to defend himself. However due to lack of use his legs gave out. Joshu swung the rock once again in order to kill the strange man. "I'm going to kill you!" As he tried once more to hit the man just for a strange bubble to emerge out of his shoulder. "What the hell?! What did you do to my eyes!"

Oh yeah I should use my Little Queen: Barracuda to find out about this man!  You think as you activate your stand.

"What the hell?" You and Joshu say at the same time for diffrent reasons. "Why isn't Little Queen telling me his name?" You questioned as Joshu is still panicking about the lack of eyesight. then he started to puke. Everywhere all over himself. Disgusted you took your leave. "I'll see you around." You say as you walk away from the men.

Your whole walk home thinking about the enigmatic man. More specifically his genitalia. Two sets. One smooth and loose. The other firm and tight. Perched on top of that lay a 8in flaccid cock. The man was without a doubt a shower not a grower. You instinctively clench your netheregions in anticipation.

"Get it together Y/N! Your not a slut. [Unless you are no shame here] You just met the guy three minutes ago. And you felt him up..." your face becomes heated. "I did didn't I?" You hand traveled to your cheek. "Why did I do that. Damn it N/N." Its not like he didn't like it though I saw how his cock twitched.... "Gah! In public even! Luckly only Major Perv caught me."

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