Chapter 16 - The End

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Third Person pov

    It had been two weeks since everything had been righted. Two whole weeks since Alder and Aiden had discovered the horcrux in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and brought it to their mother. Two whole weeks since everyone had been restored. The triplets were even more inseparable now that the boys had been without their sister for so long and they were all even more protective of Ashton. Severus had recorded everything that had happened in the school during the traumatising year and had brought his concerns to the ministry of magic. There they decided that due to Dumbledore's inability to heal the petrified students and his inability to protect them in the first place he would be suspended as Headmaster of Hogwarts. He was awaiting trial as when they went to arrest him they overheard him talking to his phoenix telling him that he planted that diary with the Weasley girl and that he knew exactly what the diary was and where the chamber of secrets and Basilisk were. He had purposefully put his students in danger just to see what would happen. Alder, Aiden, and Adira were all living happily with their parents as the school was closed down right before the yearly exams in order to assess the safety of the school and find a new headmaster. Unknown to the triplets, a certain dark lord applied for the position under an alias. Thomas Midalo. Next year is definitely going to be interesting.

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