Chapter Five

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Severus Point of view
"I just can't believe i have a son. And a daughter! All the memories were blocked. Now that i have the memories... But I am still missing my baby girl. My dear Adira is still missing. We have to find her. We have to bring her home."
"Yes. We very much do." Stated Lucius. "Are we going to talk about the fact that your mate has no clue about any of this?"
"Oh shit. You're right. We should call him here while we wait so we can get his memories back. Maybe that's why he went insane. Because he had so much memory missing."
"That makes sense. Expecto Patronum! Tell Tom to come to Gringotts immediately. Tell him that we are in the head goblins office. Tell him that it's extremely important and time sensitive." Narcissa tells her snow leopard patronus.
A few minutes later Tom riddle was in the office, looking like his handsome younger self, but older.
"What is the meaning of this summon? I have things to do you know."
Tom, I need you to drink this... it's extremely important." Severus explains. "It's a memory repair potion."
"And why would i need a potion as such?"
"Because im your son and I would love my father to know who I am." said a voice behind them.
Tom turned around to see Draco standing protectively in front of someone in a wheelchair. He also noticed that draco must have gone into his inheritance because his wings were out. Which means that he is protecting his mate. Why would he feel the need to protect his mate?
"Draco, nephew, move out of the way please. Let me meet this person that claims to be my son."
"No." draco exclaimed calmly with a slight growl. At this point, i see a furry tail wrap around draco's leg. As if seeking comfort. "Not until you take that potion and everything has been explained."
"Draco. Stop being so dramatic. Let me see him." Tom says while taking a step forward.
"I will not say this again. Not until you take the potion!" Draco growls. As soon as he hears a whimper from behind him he relaxes a little bit with a few deep breaths. "I need to know that he will be safe in your presence. Therefore, take the potion. Now."
"Fine! I'll take the fucking potion!" Tom exclaimed a little too loud and annoying.
"Calm yourself Tom. It is important that you keep yourself calm right now." stated Severus.
Tom takes a minute to calm himself before taking the potion. As soon as he swallows the potion, hw falls backwards as all of the memories come flying back to him.
~time skip brought to you by the author~
"So you're telling me that my son has been found but that he is mute and that he is paralysed. And that my daughter is still missing but is most likely going to hogwarts?"
"Yes exactly." Stated Draco. Still standing in front of Alder.
"And you still haven't told me why you feel my son is unsafe in my presence? And how did he speak when you all say that he is mute?"
"He can speak through a charmed collar that speaks for him. And I am protecting him from you because he was harry potter." Draco stated.
"Draco? Can I see my father yet?" Alder asked a little nervous.
"Of course my love." Draco said to Alder over his shoulder. "If you hurt him," He growls out to Tom, "I will rip you to shreds. And im not the only one."
At that draco moved to the side. He was still close enough for Alders tail to stay wrapped around his leg.
"Hello father." Alder said nervously. Everyone gasped as he came into view. Alder was now muscular, and looked a little healthier. And looked like a perfect combination of Severus and Tom.
"Alder... My baby boy!" Tom exclaims while rushing to hug his long lost son. "I love you so much! We will find your sister! I promise you that!"
"Actually... about that... mother, father. Draco and I have been talking. We think we know who my twin is. She goes to hogwarts. She is a gryffindor." Alder said nervously, while looking down at the ground.
"Who is it son? Who do we need to bring here?"
"Umm, its Hermione Granger..." Alder whispered.
"Oh my god! I should have seen it!" I exclaim.
"Mother..." Alder says, "How would you have seen it? She's supposedly a muggleborn that looks nothing like either you nor father."
"But she has that head tilt! I have never seen anyone other than our baby girl that tilts her head that way. I never even thought..."
"Mother, your memories where blocked... remember?"
"Oh... yeah. I guess so."
"Expecto Patronum!" Alder yells. After Alder said the spell his beautiful patronus came out of his wand. To everyone's surprise it was a dark patronus! Now, dark patronuses are the same as regular, except they have colors and usually that colors are darker colors. His patronus looks to be a snow leopard kitten but with the colors of his hair, wings, tail, and ears. He tells his patronus his message, "Go to Hermione Granger. Tell her that Harry needs to speak with her and that it is very important and time sensitive. Tell her to come to the head goblins office in gringotts. Come quick."
At that, the kitten runs off to deliver his message. About 15 minutes later they hear a knock on the door.
"Hermione? Is that you?" Alder asked, voice a little shaky.
"Yes. Can I come in? Are you okay?"
"Hermione, I need you to close your eyes and then walk in. I will hand you a potion and only after you drink the potion will you open your eyes. Okay?"
"Okay harry. I trust you snake."
At that Hermione walked in, took the potion that was offered to her, and opened her eyes in shock at the memories that came flooding into her head.
"Where's harry?? Who are you all? Wait... mother? Father? A...Alder?"
"Yes hermione. Or should i say Adira?" Alder said.
"Alder! You were harry! Oh i can't believe it!" She yelled while jumping into Alders open arms.
"Adira? I want you to officially meet mother and father. Mother, father, your daughter, Adira." Alder started nervously while addressing his parents and sister accordingly.
"My baby Adira! Oh i'm so glad we finally found you! And Alder!" Both Tom and severus exclaim at the same time, while rushing over to hug their twins.

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