Chapter Twelve

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Aiden POV
"Welcome to Slytherin. Those of you that are new here will learn very quickly that our house is much different than the others." Severus states as soon as all of the Slytherin students have piled into the common room. "Here in Slytherin there are few rules. But if you do not follow them, there will be many consequences. There is a list of the rules on the notice board. You will have a week of leeway. And then the rules are law." He continues. "As i have noticed a few things with a few of the new students i will say this one time and one time only. A few students in our house now have Demiguises as there familiars. They are to stay on their persons and if i find out about any harassment of those demi's there will be SEVERE consequences."
There was some arguing about this.
"Why do they get a demiguise but we don't? I've never been able to bring an animal other than my cat and owl to Hogwarts." Someone yelled. And that started everyone up.
"SILENCE! These students need these familiars to help control their magic! If I hear another peep about this I will be dishing out detentions!" I hear mother roar.
I stopped paying attention when i realized that Alder had been backed into a corner by a few upper year students. I see that Alder was shaking really badly and that they were trying to take Hantu away from him. I crouch into attack position, and slowly creep forward. No one else has noticed yet, either that or they want to see how this pans out. I stop right behind the two upper years, and make sure that Alder sees me as not to scare him. I let my wings out, and As fast as I can, I jump in and encircle Alder and Hantu in my wings. I become a protective bubble for my baby bro. That is when Mother sees that there is something going on.
"What. Is. Going. On." Mother growls.
"Professor Snape! These two new students were harassing us! We were just defending ourselves!"
I am confused when they say defending themselves until I feel the bond between me and my youngest triplet fading.
"He's passing out!" I tell mother in a panic.
"What did you two do to him?" Mother Growls at the two idiots. At this time i see Adira and Draco making their way through the crowd and Ash is shaking a little bit.
"Let me see him..." Ash whispers. "I... I think i can heal him. I have this strong urge to put my hand over his heart..."
I look at mother to reassure him that Ashton is trustable and then open my wings enough for her to get in close to my brother. Then I immediately close my wings again once she is healing him.
"Whatever you are doing Ash, its working. I can feel the bond coming to life again." Suddenly I hear Alder gasp and open my wings so that he can move and breathe.
"I will ask onl-" Mother starts but gets interrupted.
"HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM!" Ashton suddenly lashes out. She starts to storm towards the two dunderheads that hurt Alder. As she is about five steps from them she starts to change. Her eyes turn black with a strange pattern in them, her giant wings that are bigger than she is come out, her eyes start to glow, she also grows black shadowy devil horns and tail with a single spiked ball at the end and behind her, a shadow develops that makes her seem taller and bigger. Once she is fully changed she looks terrifying. She stops once she is towering over the two upper years.
"HOW. DARE. YOU. HURT. HIM. LIKE. THAT." She growls lowly at them. "I COULD KILL YOU FOR THIS! YOURE LUCKY I WON'T!" Confidently, Ashton starts to speak over her shoulder all the while watching the two uppers to make sure they didn't try anything. "Professor Snape. I would like to inform you that these two students have done something worth being EXPELLED for. In Fact. Due to the fact that my and Storm's creature inheritances have created a special kind of bond, i do have the authorization to take out a punishment on them that I see fit. But I will leave most of that to you." She growls out.
As she says the word 'most', she pays more attention to the two older boys and quick as light slashes each of them on the arm with the end of her tail. They both drop to the floor wailing in pain. She then walks over to Alder. Right as she is two steps from him, she snaps her fingers and instantly is developed in shadowy smoke. Once it clears she is back to normal other than her wings are still out.
"Storm? How are you feeling? Should we bring you to the Infirmary?" She asks him in a shaky voice.
"I'm okay little bean. You worked your magic. That was a pretty terrifying show you put on there." Alder chuckled at Ash.
"Ashton?" Mother stated in a cool voice. "What exactly did they do to him?"
The two students stop their whimpering to try and back away from their head of house.
"Professor..." Ashton whispered shakily. "They put a silencing spell on him and then used crucio on him. They also used sectumsempra on his face. He is okay. I think. But he will forever more have a scar across his face... and he may have a few after effects from the crucio. I suggest bed rest and staying near his siblings, mate, and paternal bond."
"Miss Arrowood. Are you saying that a second year has formed a paternal bond?" Mother deadpans.
"Yes. That is exactly what i am saying professor." Ashton says shakily while looking at anything but Mother.
I can tell that ash is uncomfortable but I know better than to intervene. At this point Alder has fallen asleep in the comfort of my wings and Adira has gotten over to us and is petting his hair. Draco and Blaise have taken a protective stance over the four of us.
"In fact." Starts Ashton a little more confident once she sees Draco and Blaise. "There are three second years who have all formed a paternal bond with the same first year."
"And who might these second years be? And who would this 'lucky' first year be. Please oh smart one. Tell me this."
"Why don't you fire a threat at me and find out?" Ashton smirks once she sees the looks that Draco and Blaise are throwing her and their head of house.
"Tell me. Now."
"My name is Ashton Phoenix Arrowood. I am an orphan that was left in a basket floating down the river as a newborn. My parents were found dead in their home from drug overdose the next day. I am a submissive creature." She starts but gets interrupted.
"How are YOU a creature? You are but a mere little firstie!" Yelled someone from the back.
"I am a submissive creature. Forced early to save myself from death at an early age of 9." Ash continued. By this point I am completely in awe. She is speaking as if this is but an assignment. Not a traumatizing past!
"I was forced to change to save myself from someone in this very school in fact. But that's a different story. My creature has reached out in a plea for help to three other mated creatures. They have accepted the bond. And now have full custody of me due to this bond. I am now their legal charge."
I am in complete shock. How is this even possible? I am an uncle at the age of twelve! I can see many people have their eyes wide open and mouths open in shock. And then there is mother...
"That is it. Come with me young lady. No one likes a liar." Mother makes a move to grab her and we can all see Ash physically blanch. In an instant she has two people standing guard in front of her and has disappeared into a thirds wings. At this point everyone knows it's very true. Mother finally believes and sighs in defeat.
"Everyone off to bed! You all have class in the morning. Your four! We will talk tomorrow."

Authors note- I'm sad that this needs to be said. But here we go. Even though I am using characters from the original books I am modifying their names and personalities. And I am also using a few original characters that I created. If you want to use ANYTHING from my story, please ask first! I do not appreciate my characters, title, and more being stolen with the intent of recreating my story to fit what they want. Thank you.

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