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"Bitch, did you listen to everything I just said?"

Jin's complain followed by a good hit on the back of your head finally succeed to break your daydream. Since last night, you can't stop thinking about him, about that sexy mysterious mask stripper. Yup that's how you called him now. There's something about him that familiar to you but you can't pin point what is it.

The way he talk; his alluring siren voice, the way he stare with his beautiful sharp gaze eyes, his body language and the feeling of his touch on your skin it all felt familiar to you. It was strange because you never stepped a foot in a male strip club until last night and a thousand percent sure that you've never met someone like him before.

Another hit landed on your back and you groan from the abuse your beloved best friend gave you. You turn your head at him with a glare but of course, he already sent you his deathly glare first. You roll your eyes at him and get a bonus of another hit on your right arm.

"Yah it hurts! This is abuse!"

Jin mumbles something about you being a bitch and not listening about everything he has said earlier. He about to hit you again but thank god Heather and Maddy comes to sit on the cafetaria bench beside you and save you.

"Oh my god you bitch! How can you leave your friends like that last night?" Maddy preach.

Taking back the part they're being your savior, you glare at her for not being careful about what she said when Jin's around. You already warned not just Maddy but Heather too to rethinking the topic before saying it out loud when Jin is with them. It is classified as a 'safe' topic to talk about with Jin's presence or not, and this one is definitely not.

You can feel Jin shifts on his seat, observing the three of you looking at each other back to back with an expression of a detective that found an interesting clue in his case. You think about anything that could possibly change the topic but it's already too late when your best friend beat you first with his curious ass.

"You were getting out? To where? I thought you worked on your assignment last night? And don't think about lying to me sis, I'll know it."

Respecfully wishing for the ground to just swallow you now.

You let out a frustration sigh before facing him. You gulp seeing his expression so serious and ready to nag at you the millisecond you tell him everything that happened last night. Seriously, Jin is way worse than Namjoon.

"First of all before I'm telling you all the detail, I would like to inform you that last night wasn't my idea. These two dragged me there." You explain while pointing your index finger to Maddy and Heather.

They both protest but you ignore them because Jin motion you to continue to speak and he will become the judge at the end of the story. You're very cautiously tell him everything with some 'twisted' words on something that too risky to tell him blatantly. Like the part when the mask stripper made you wet and wanted you to touch him. Hell no, you're not gonna tell Jin that or he will flip the cafetaria table upside down.

After you finished telling him everything, the atmosphere around the table become silent. All you hear is your thumping heart and heavy deep breathing. You look down while chewing your bottom lips when Jin exhales a big amount of air from his lungs and massaging his temple. At this time you're more than ready to just getting scolded.

"You'll never go there ever again and I'll fucking murder both of you if you make Y/N go or do something ridiculous again." Jin speaks dead serious to three of you before he stands up and walk away.

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