Chapter 2

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Late that night, when the moon hung high in the dark sky...

I just finished my work and thought back upon this afternoon's conversation as I walked down the hall.

All the residents were revived and came to this mansion because of a specific goal they had in mind.

For example, Taehyung wanted to paint more.

His younger brother Jungkook wanted to sell more of Taehyung's paintings, while discovering new talented artists.

Yoongi wanted to compose the ultimate piece of music.

Jisung is a human, bit he's extremely passionate about history.

Maybe passionate is an understatement... sometimes he seems a bit... obsessed with it.

The first time I discovered it was shortly after I started helping around the mansion...

One day while I was out weeding the garden, a surprising incident occurred.


Hm? I hear something running towards me...

I heard footsteps approaching, and then I saw a four-legged animal with a big, fluffy coat barrelling straight towards me.

"...Huh? A lamb?!"

What in the world is a lamb doing at the mansion?!


The lamb came right up to me, bleated, and then dropped something onto the ground.

A notebook? I wonder who it belongs to...?

I picked up the small notebook and flipped through it. The handwriting inside was neat and precise.

I stopped on one of the first pages and read through it.

"I served Monsieur Hoseok crepes for lunch today. Not the sweet kind of crepes, but a savoury kind dressed with mayonnaise. He seemed to quite like it. Master Seokjin asked me to buy alcohol for him and wrote down the address of his favourite shop for me. I was so impressed to see his mirror writing in the flesh. I shall save the scrap of paper and treasure it always. Even though we have the Rouge, Master Yoongi has quite an unbalanced diet. I am currently testing a rainbow-coloured bread, taking after Lady Kasuga's rainbow-coloured rice dishes for Tokugama Iemitsu. Probability Sir Jooheon puts on his left shoe first: 65 percent."

The pages were crammed with tiny details about the daily life of the residents, and I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

Hmm, Hoseok like crepes... I mean, wait a minute!

There are so many notes about the residents' activities and quirks...

"You saw it, didn't you?" - "Waaah!"

All of a sudden, I heard a voice and nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Jisung! Don't startle me like that!" - "You're the one who startle me. I wondered what you would be reading so eagerly, and here you are, looking at my diary!" - "So this is yours?" - "Yes, that's right."

Jisung tried to hold back the lamb, who was insistently attempting to nuzzle me, and let out a sigh.

"I certainly wasn't expecting Bel to steal my journal detailing the residents' behaviour..." - "Bel? Your journal detailing the residents' behaviour? I need some explanations..." - "Alright. Let me introduce you. This is Mademoiselle Annabel. Bel for short." - "Meh-eh-eh!"

A butler who has a lamb for a pet...

All I could think about was that it sounded like it was the set-up for a punchline of a joke...

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