A Ghost in the Machinder

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~Chiro's POV~

"Setting a course for the Daegon System." I announced, as I typed codes into the central console of the Central Computer, "If the Skeleton King Worm is anywhere, it's gotta be there."

I entered the last key, then something weird happened. Instead of increasing speed, the Super Robot started slowing down.

Gibson noticed, "Strange. The Super Robot's not responding." He pulled a lever, but it did nothing.

The Central Computer showed us a chart of our course being changed.

"It just put us on a new course." Nova gasped.

The Super Robot turned around and increased speed in the new direction. This isn't right.

"Let's check out the navigation system." I suggested, "Maybe it's down."

Nova nodded in agreement.

With that, we explored the Super Robot, checking on its main systems. Everything appeared to be fine. The last thing we checked was the computer systems.

"It's not the computers." Otto spoke up, "You're not gonna believe this, but the Super Robot is overriding our commands."

"You're saying it's... Thinking for itself?" I concluded.

"Yes. You made a small miscalculation, Junichiro Oda." Shouko's voice spoke from outside the room.

The Monkeys and I turned to look at her. There was something different about her this time around. Her eyes were glowing a light blue. The same blue as the Super Robot's eyes. Her presence didn't feel like her kind and polite self. Her presence feels stronger, calm and... Her white fur was more bluish?

Wait, did she just call me by my full name? Shouko doesn't do that unless she's angry with me. This isn't one of her normal black-outs.

"All I did was correct it." She finished. Her voice had a robotic undertone in it.

"What do you mean 'correct' it?" Gibson asked her.

"The one you call 'The Skeleton King Worm' is not in the Daegon System." Shouko explained, "We would be wasting time there."

"Are you feeling alright, Shouko?" Nova asked her, "You're sounding like a robot."

Shouko nodded and smiled, "I am a robot, NOVA-52. You are inside my computer systems."

"The Super Robot?" Otto gasped.

"But, if you're the Super Robot, how are you speaking through Shouko?" I asked.

"Perhaps there is more to the Robot than meets the eye." Antauri spoke up.

Shouko nodded her head again, "Indeed, NTAR-11. SNOW-00 and I were born the same day. We share the same soul."

Sparx shook his head, "You've gotta be kidding me." Then pointed out, "I mean... It's a machine. It's probably just broken. And Shouko is probably sleepwalking again."

Gibson nodded, "Agreed. Technically speaking, machines can only appear to be alive."

Antauri folded his arms, "Appearances can be deceiving."

"Come on, Antauri." Sparx gasped, "Don't tell me you believe this."

Antauri nodded, "I do. Shouko called us by our model numbers. And called herself SNOW-00."

I nodded, "You're right. Shouko never does that unless she's angry."

"What you see is what you get." Sparx argued, "Machines cannot have a soul."

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