Blue Roses and Self Care Wolfstar daughter hp 🪄♥️

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"I bet it's wonderful being pregnant! It's a shame men can't do it" I snap my head towards the boys. Today Draco,Teddy, Blaise and I are having a self care day. We were currently on our way to the spa for me. I was wanting this for a while now. Aunt cissa, Bella and my dads offered to take over the bakery for the day so we could go. "Yeah for sure!" I say sarcastically "My back hurts, i have horrible mood swings, I have to pee constantly, I just got over the throwing up bit, my feet are swollen, my boobs hurt, sometimes I can't sleep oh! but don't worry if I can't sleep Harry doesn't sleep I make sure he's up because I get lonely with just me and the animals sometimes!" Their eyes are huge when I'm done. I let myself get carried away because of my mood swings. Teddy then starts laughing "I'm sorry it's not funny, but the last part about Harry was. I heard from Hermione that she found him sleeping at his desk the other day. She asked him what was wrong he replied the baby. She was so confused!"

" now I feel bad now I don't know whether to stop it or keep going because he's working and I'm trying to prepare ourselves for the baby.." I start crying and pick up my phone to call Harry. He answers on the first ring. "Hey baby what going on?" I then burst into tears "hey what's wrong?" I look up at the guys they are frozen and don't know what to do. "Im sorry Harry, I'm so sorry!" I continue to cry as Teddy slides over in the back seat to hold me. "Sweets what are you sorry for? Why are you crying? Do I need to come find you?" I sniff "no I just realized how horrible I've been to you. You work and I...I keep you up at night because I don't want to feel lonely when the baby keeps me up and I was told that you've been falling asleep at your desk! Harry I'm sorry."

"Baby I'm alright I promise. We are in this together. We made our baby boy, He's ours we are his parents and we stick together okay. Now don't worry about me I'm fine. Yeah I take a nap every now and then, but that doesn't mean it's on you. I promise baby I'm okay and when you get home tonight I'm going to have a surprise waiting on you. Another thing you have not been horrible to me. You have been the best fiancé and best baby mama I could ever ask for. I love you so much my beautiful Cassiopeia Hope Black future Potter after the baby is born." I sniff and wipe my eyes "I love you too!"

"I know my love, now I want you to enjoy your spa day okay? No more crying for me." I nod my head and then realize he can't see me "okay I promise." I feel him smiling through the phone "now I'm going to let you go to enjoy your day ok? I love you my love." I hear him grabbing some papers and some more stuff moving around. I then hear Ron and Hermione voices. Harry is head of aurors and Ron is his second in command and Hermione is the minister of Magic. "Okay I love you too!" He tells me bye and hangs up.

I look back at the boys "feel better babe?" I nod my head. "I didn't mean to make you cry I just thought you would of had wanted to know." I shake my head "you did nothing wrong now that we are here let's go!" We all get out and walk into the salon. "Can I help you?" I nod and reply "yes we are here for the maternity group massage." She nods to me with a smile "come on I got everything set up waiting for y'all in the back." I take Teddys hand in mine as we walk back to the room. There are four tables, soothing music, little food trays and juices, a diffuser going with my favorite smell. I turn and look at the boys. "We put some extra money into so you can have a really good day.." I smile and hug all of them "thank you guys!"

"Well let's get started shall we!" I look behind me at the voice she was a pretty blonde woman with blue eyes and another three women come in. The lady escorts me to the table "I'm Anna I'll be taking care of ALL your needs today." I nod we start with my shoulders she asks if I wanted anything I replied yes she then gave me the choice of juices or snacks

I asked for a apple juice,some graham crackers and grapes. After I was done she then laid me down to do my full body massage. I look over and see my three guys absolutely loving their time together sitting there in the back in robes drinking, eating , and gossiping. I giggle and ask Anna to grab my phone. I snap a picture without them knowing and sent it to dad and cissa.

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