April Fools!

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* A Weasley Twin Birthday Special!*

Fred was getting ready for bed as I was packing for "girls night". He wraps his arms around me and puts his head In between my neck and shoulder. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow my love." I smile and kiss him, he kissed me back deeper and groaned when I broke the kiss.

Hermione, Angelina, Ginny, Fleur, and I were sitting around at the dinner table at Shell Cottage talking about the twins birthday. "So Angelia and I will set up a bunch of pranks for when they wake up on their birthday, and we will throw a surprise party here?" All the women nod. "Okay then! This is gonna be fun, I can't wait to get Fred back." The rest of the night we watched movies and drank wine talking about life.

The next morning I went and bought all the stuff I needed and headed home. Fred wasn't there so I got to relax and organize my plans for my pranks. It was around six when he got home. "Hey honey!" He says as he gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile to him "how was work?" He shrugs "it was a slow day, but that meant more time for us to get other things done. How was your day? Did you have fun at girls night?" I nod "I did!"

The rest of the night went on like it usually does for us. After dinner and a shower we kissed each other and went to sleep. I happen to wake up at the time I needed to be up. I look over to see him curled up to his pillow on his side of the bed. I walked out of the room and went into the hall closet and got everything out. First I put a popper on the front door, so that when he opens the door it would hopefully scare him. Next Angelina picked me up and we went to their joke shop and put plastic balls in their office. We shredded some paper and filled up their drawers. She then levitated the desks to where they were floating in the air. I grabbed the doughnut box and filled it with vegetables, I closed it and left it on their kitchen sink. When we were done there, we headed home.
My finishing touches were my balloon avalanche that I have for him that's on our bedroom door. So when he opens the door looking for me, he's in for a big surprise and put saran wrap on the front door.

I laid my head on the coach and slept for the rest of the little bit of the morning I had left. I heard his alarm go off and him moving around the room. "BABE!?" The door then opens and he walks out and through the streamers and balloons making it all fall on him. He laughs searching the room with his eyes, finding me on the couch. I got up and walked over to him "Happy Birthday!" I jump into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck and me legs around his waist I gave him a kiss "thank you my love. I was hoping that my beautiful fiancé was the special person I woke up to, but instead I woke up to our dog."

I looked down at our beautiful golden doodle and back up at Fred "and she woke me up with a ton of slobbery kisses." I giggle and jump down making my way towards the kitchen. He sits down at the bar while I serve him his birthday breakfast. He looks at the bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, and fruit. Looking back up to me with a smirk "you out did yourself! This all looks delicious!" He leans over the counter and kisses my cheek. "Thank you my love!" I say as I turn to fix my plate.

When we were done with breakfast Fred had gotten dressed and ready for work. I sat on the couch with a smile ready for the next prank. He walks in with his white dress shirt on and brown trousers. He smiles at me with a huge smile, bends down and kisses me. "I love you, I'll see you tonight." I giggle "okayy my love." He gives me one last kiss and heads towards the door. He opens it and the popper pops and he gets stopped by the Saran Wrap. He laughs again "I love you babe!" I giggle "I love you too!" He walks out to head to work for the day.

Angelina then calls me "hey did he leave yet?" I laugh "yeah you should've seen it!" She laughs and tells me all about the pranks she pulled on George in the house. My phone vibrates about fifteen minutes later I saw it was a text from him. 

Frederick Gideon Weasley ❤️💛: babe so not cool I was really excited for the doughnuts! And the desk prank, very good. Is this my birthday present? A bunch of pranks.

Me: maybe, maybe not you will just have to wait and see and happy April fools my love!

Frederick Gideon Weasley❤️💛: I knew there was another reason I fell in love with you.


Frederick Gideon Weasley❤️💛: 😘😘

Later on that day I headed to shell cottage to get everything ready with Fleur and Ginny.
When I pulled up Fluer had opened up the door with her three kids running out. "Hi! It's about time you got here dang!" I'm sorry I had to go pick up his present." She smirks "the tickets?" I nod as she squeals.

It was close to seven when everyone came walking in. Everyone went into hiding when we saw the truck pull up "gred I swear this is where they told us to go!" Fred huffs "but forge there's no one here..let's just go in." The door opens and the lights come on as we all yell out surprise. The night was a blast and Fred loved the tickets I got for him and George to go to the next World Cup. When we got home he cuddled up to me in bed. "I finally got you where I want you." I giggle as he kisses me.

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