Dark connections

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Author: Andreina Ascanio
Dark connections

September 17, one of the darkest night of all, the temperature was around -11 degrees, such a cold weather and the sound of the deepest fears of foxes hanging around in the backyard of the house, yellow eyes looking everywhere for something else, the neighborhood was almost dead, deep silence, like in a deep sleep of collectivity. Only one baby that was crying uncontrollable, so desperate for attention and with a massive urge of caring needs. It felt like he was crying for hours and hours and he never stop crying.

The dark sky was almost impossible to see,
it was so cloudy that the moon couldn't been seen that night, like a mystery to be solve, for her it was a necessity to reach out all the night sky, specially because that night was going to make appearance this amazing astrological event, one particular eclipse was taking place and without the right lens of a professional telescope was almost impossible to see it.

What else can you do in a night like that?.
Just one thing, that was what she thought, at least for her was like that, what you can do in a cloudy night?.
Simple answer, is going out and see if you can see it, finding out a solution of the problem could be easier thing to do, maybe you can just go out in a different direction, like going out of the city, or travel to the country side, could be a solution but not sure if the sky will be cloudy.
It was more like a gamble for her that night and if it's too much for you, you can just wait until the next astrological event occurred it back again in the future.
But if you think that this particular one, it's not that special like the other ones that you already seen before in your life, so it won't make any difference to you or any sense for you to do what ever it takes to see it.
For you it can be just another one of the many others eclipse that ever took places in the planet earth.
But if this one is part of your list to see, you can just  go out and find out the way to see it, not matters what you need to do, you will do it.

For Freya was very important to watch it because she knew inside her this one was very particular and unique one.
But how can she see it if all sky was cloudy, so dark and gray colors, that was the real problem to be solve by Freya, who was an incredible beautiful young and intelligent girl in her twenties with a incredible love for sky and nature, always reaching out looking up the sky watching the stars, the moon, the planets and constellations every night, that is why she was so excited to see it, for her this particular event was not like others, she was feeling that in her guts that eclipse was special and her own guts never failed her before.
Maybe for other people it was another normal or common eclipse and she knew it, that it is the most common thought of the normal people, for her was an event full of energy that she need it to see and be part of it.

For some reason she felt it was a unique and important moment, especially because she was dreaming about it, she was dreaming about a crazy person every night and in that dream always ended up with a blast of light fire, coming from the dark sun, completely light destruction like green fire.

The night was more beautiful and dense than ever, she never expected it to see it like that it was so weird, like sort of incredible type of twist she knew it was coming for her.

It all started it with a moon intersection and some clouds creating the most amazing view of a big explosion with the intersection of the sun that was overshadow by the moon and the green fire all together.

So for Freya those dreams had a true meaning, she though that if you have that kind of weird dreams, the type of dream that feels like it's so vivid so meaningful, that means that exist some kind of important message or connection that she need it to understand or maybe some kind of premonitions for a future event.

She needed it to think how she could manage to see it in that cloudy dark night, maybe if she go out to a different places, she will reach out a nice sky with not clouds in it, but was to late for doing that, she didn't know the place to well, to go an adventure at 11 pm at night alone in the dark, it was a scaring moment even the though of thinking about it make her chill feel the terror inside her, specially with all the foxes hanging around her place but she wasn't afraid of them.

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