(5) Moving

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The Next day

"Son are you sure you have everything?" Mr.Lee asked Felix, as Felix replied with a nod. And the two of them head off to the big, luxury mansion.

Mr.Lee rang the doorbell, and Mrs.Hwang immediately opened up the door with Hyunjin standing behind him, "I can't believe you guys are finally moving in, here let me help you." Mrs.Hwang said cheerfully as she went to get the bags from the car, "Thank you sweetie, so when are we going out to eat?" Mr.Lee asked, "After you guys put your bags in the rooms we can head out," Mrs.Hwang replied and the two of them walked into the master bedroom, leaving Hyunjin and Felix alone. "Uhm..can you t-tell me where my room is?..." Felix shyly asked Hyunjin, "Sure." He smirked and lead Felix to a huge room. "My room is next to yours, but don't be loud. Or else." Hyunjin said with a glare, but that didn't scare Felix no more. 

"I don't get you Hwang Hyunjin, I didn't do anything to you and you're acting like a jerk. All right I won't be loud but no need to say it that way. And I don't give a fuck of what you'll do because I know you can't do anything to me" Felix confidently said, back to his old self. Hyunjin was shocked by what he said, he totally wasn't prepared for Felix's other side of him. But Hyunjin just scoffed, pushing Felix on the wall, "Oh yes I can. I can do whatever I want in this house, this is MY house. And you think just because your dad is married to my mother, you can do whatever you want? Pfft. Just letting you know, they will be out for a month for their honeymoon soon. And even after school starts, they will be out working most of the time, so don't even think about running downstairs and cry to your daddy, hmm? And if you ever complain, the more punishment you get, you understand?" Hyunjin coldly said to Felix, surely Felix was getting a bit scared, but he can't show it to Hyunjin, so he pushed Hyunjin away and got out of the room. 

Fine. If he wants to play with me, I will too. Because baby you asked for it. Hyunjin thought to himself.

A few weeks later

"Are you guys sure you can stay home alone for a month?" Mrs.Hwang asked the two boys infront of her, "Yes mom. We're teens and I can take care of Felix, right?" Hyunjin said, turning to Felix and gave him a smile, "Yeah of..course..." Felix nervously said, not knowing what Hyunjin is going to do to him, "Okay well we gotta leave, our flight is in 3 hours. And Hyunjin I swear if you do anything to Felix, and I get a complain, I will make you suffe-" Mrs.Hwang said as she got cut off by Mr.Lee, "Okay bye boys! We'll text you guys when we get there now let's go hon." Mr.Lee said and took her on the car, Oh I never knew Mrs.Hwang had a side like that...I guess that's where Hyunjin got it from. Felix thought, and giggling. 

"What are you giggling about" Hyunjin suddenly asked Felix as he closed the door, 

"Nothing. Mind your own business" 

"You are my business. But don't expect me to take care of you when they're gone, my friends are also coming over later at 6 PM. We're having a small party. Join if you want but I don't care if you don't." Hyunjin said as Felix gave him an eye roll, annoyed already.

"Idiot." Felix mumbled, which Hyunjin heard and grabbed Felix's wrist, pinning it on the wall,

"Don't ever fucking call me names you got that huh? There will be huge consequences." Hyunjin said as he squeezed his wrist harder, making Felix groan in pain, Hyunjin harshly grabbed his jaws and asked, "Do you hear me?" "Y-yes..Hyunjin...Let go of my wrist!! You're hurting me!" Felix replied, having small tears in his eyes that Hyunjin spotted, he let go as Felix held on to his wrist, checking for a handprint and looked up to Hyunjin's eyes as Hyunjin leaned in, "Good boy." Hyunjin said and smirked and went to his room.

Felix's POV:

"Urghhh fuck you Hwang Hyunjin!!" I screamed in my pillows, and turned around to check my arms, thank God he wasn't wearing any rings, or else it would've been worse. What kind of person is he?!! How does he even make friends?!! I thought to myself, and suddenly heard laughter and chattering downstairs, I quietly peaked out my room, and saw Hyunjin greeting 5 guys, his friends. "What's up!" Seo Changbin yelled and patted Hyunjin's back, "Is your brother not here?" Yang Jeongin asked, "He is. He's in the room but I told him he can join or not because I really don't care." Hyunjin said, leaving the other 5 pouting their lips, "Aww c'mon Hyung you know we came here to meet him!" Han Jisung whined to Hyunjin, making them laugh. I didn't really want to join because after all they were HYUNJIN's friends, they probably acted like a jerk too. 

They've been sitting on the couch and chattering, and I did walk out a few times to get a drink or some snacks while they waved and said hi to me, but I just ignored them. I saw their sad faces when I went back upstairs, and it was quite funny. Anyway, I had to shower because it was getting a bit late, so I walked out of the room and walked to the bathroom, which they could see me walking because there was railing along the side, and it was visible whenever someone comes out of the rooms. I quickly showered and changed into a light blue oversized hoodie with white shorts and walked out with eyes from downstairs looking at me. And this time, I decided not to be quiet, so I stopped my way to my room, turned my head to them and spoke, "What do you guys want?" "OMG DID YOU GUYS HEAR THAT?!! THE ANGEL SPOKE TO US FOR ONCE!!!" Han Jisung yelled, "I like ur voice, you should talk to us more you know..." "You look fluffy in that hoodie can I like come up and pat you" "Ugh I wish I was your stepbrother" "Can I fuc-" everyone's compliment got interrupted by Hyunjin, "Do you guys wanna continue the movie or what? Stop complimenting him and no the fuck Jisung I told you I'm not letting you fuck Felix, now shut up and continue the fucking movie." I was a bit sad that I didn't hear any compliments out from Hyunjin at all, but I didn't know why I was upset, and just walked to my room.


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