(10) Confronting

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Hyunjin's POV:

After hearing the conversation, I didn't feel as nervous to confront Felix anymore, and I decided to go in after he ended the call, which soon came. I opened the door and saw him lying on the bed, staring at me but then back to his phone, not a single word came out of him. Okay Hyunjin, you got this. I thought to myself, and started the conversation. "Felix...Can we talk this out? I'm done ignoring you, and I know you are too." "No you don't. You don't know what I'm feeling. What do you want?" Felix asked, not giving me one glance nor knowing I heard his conversation with Chan, "Felix, look at me. I'm sorry, okay? I know I fucked up that day, but please, can we just forget it? I hate ignoring you. I want to order you around like I used to, and just tease you like normal siblings do. Can we stop the tension?" I asked, finally making eye contact with Felix. There was about a 10 second silence of staring, then he finally replied.

"I'm...sorry too. I know it was a bad idea ignoring you but what you did really shocked me and it made me think to myself about it every night. Yes we can forget all that and start over..." 

He said and gave me a small smile, "I do have one question, though...U-uhm...W-why did you ki-kiss me anyway?..." He asked, feeling embarrassed and turned around to hold his blush, "I'll tell you some other day...When the time is right. But I have a question too, did you enjoy it?" I asked, smirking, "...Don't ask me that. I will answer you...when you answer mine. Now go away, I want to sleep" Felix said, turning his body away, hiding his face, I chuckled and gently patted his head, and walked back to my room.

Even though I know he likes me, I need to go slow on my actions. I just need a little time..to make him realize my feelings, too. 

The next day at school

Me and Felix walked together to the classes we share and started talking again. Being back to our normal selves felt so much better, I can finally beat up those dumbasses that flirted or bullied him. During our lunch breaks, I ran to the reporter room and used the microphone for our school speakers, and announced something to make sure the whole school knew. "Listen up bastards that flirted and bullied my brother, Felix, don't ever touch him again or even speak to him. Don't worry, I can recognize every single one of your faces, so if I ever see you talking to him, I, Hwang Hyunjin, will make sure to come up to beat your asses up. You all got that? Anyway, have a nice lunch everyone." 

"Woah look it's savage Hyunjin!" Jisung yelled out while Seungmin and Changbin were dramatically clapping as I walked back in the cafeteria, having stares and girls around me giggling, "That was a nice speech you gave us." Minho said teasingly, making me roll my eyes at him, "Anyway, so y'all are like back in good terms now?" Jeongin asked, "What happened with you two anyway?" Minho asked, "Nothing, nothing y'all should care about." I said, "Ehh okay who cares. Felix what did you think about Hyunjin's beautiful speech though?" Changbin said, smiling and looked at Felix, "It was dumb and really fucking unnecessary. I wonder why the principal didn't even bother stopping you." He replied, going back to his phone, it's really shocking sometimes to see Felix being in that personality, it's like a whole different version. Even though he was a "bad" boy in his old school, I've heard that he's really sweet and loves hugs, and calling people Hyungs when you get to know him, which is what he always do at home. "Haha, well I'm sure the principal wouldn't dare stopping him, Hyunjin can buy the whole school right now if he wanted to." Changbin said, laughing, "Whatever...It was still stupid." Felix replied,

"Felix you're so mean...I did it all for you" I teasingly said, hitting him with my arms while pouting, "Well I didn't ask you to." He said, laying his head on the table, I took his phone from his hands and started teasing him more, making him try to get it back, I held the phone high up above me as he kept shouting, "Hyung!!! Give it back!!!!" and started climbing on me, trying to reach to phone, not realizing how close he was with me, I smirked and that gave him a signal.

"S-sorry..." He said, blushing a bit but having his head down as my annoying friends started 'oooo'ing us. I told them to shut up and gave the phone back to Felix, knowing he didn't like how my friends acted.

Our parents were really happy after knowing me and Felix started talking again, and that stopped their worries. They went back to work as normal since they were off work a lot to check on us, making sure we have nothing big between us.

After mom and dad left to the company, I placed Felix on my laps as we watched a romance movie, knowing he was red af. I started wrapping his waist with my arms and felt his hands on my arms, trying to pull away, "You know it won't work sweetheart." I said, smirking and pulled him closer, "Hyunjin let me go!!.." He whined, making me hugging him harder, it was just too cute to resist, ok? "Nope. Not until we're done with the movie." I said and laid my head on his shoulders,

The movie ended after a few hours, and our parents were back a few minutes later. Me and Felix decided to sleep then, until about 1 AM, I was still awake until Felix quietly walked in my room, expecting me to be asleep which I wasn't, "Oh- Uhm...sorry for waking you up-" He said as I interrupted, "I wasn't asleep anyway. What do you need?" I asked, trying to see his beautiful face in the dark, though I already knew what he came here for. Mr.Lee had told me Felix would go to his hyung's rooms whenever he was scared or had nightmares, but made sure to be quiet so he wouldn't wake them up, and sleep with them. "I..I had nightmares and can't sleep...I think dad told you already, so...Uhm c-can I sleep with you tonight?...And plus it's-" He tried to keep on to convince me to allow him, but obviously, he didn't even need to ask. "Of course, come here." I said, having my heart pounding but I still pulled him on my bed.


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